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We're doing it again next year!

Last weekend of July, 1998

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The First Second THIRDAnnual
Chebeague Island Music Festival

The tradition continues!

Let's raise money to build the Recreation Center...
and have some fun doing it!

1997 Memories:



How it all started...

We all knew it would be a challenge to raise enough money to build a recreation center that Chebeague Island could be proud of, but we know it could be done...we've done it before and we can do it again.

We decided to attempt a very difficult, some say impossible task: Put on an all-day music festival that would provide wholesome, drug and alcohol free entertainment for all of the people who would eventually benefit from a new recreation center.

A committee of volunteers stepped forward to assume the formidable challenge of producing Chebeague's first major outdoor music event in a manner appropriate for the Chebeague Recreation Center.

Last year, we did it! We had a great turnout and a fun time was had by all. So we're going to do it again. Great music, great food, a great cause. What more could you ask for?

But, now we need your help. Only you can make the success continue!

Where we are now...

WHAT? An all-day music festival, with lots of food and fun

WHERE? Chebeague Island, Maine, at the Chebeague Island School ball field, next to the site of the ,new Chebeague Island Recreation Center.

WHEN? Saturday, July 26, 1997, from 1:00 pm until 8:00 pm.


WHY? To build the Chebeague Recreation Center

HOW MUCH? $15 in advance, $20 at the gate

WHERE DO I GET TICKETS? At Doughty's Island Market, at Harbour Books, Lower Falls Landing, Yarmouth, Maine

WHAT SHOULD I BRING? There will be plenty of lobsters, hot dogs, hamburgers and soft drinks available for purchase at the music festival. However, the thing to not bring is drugs and alcohol...drugs and alcohol will be confiscated, you may be asked to leave the festival, and you may have to deal with the police who will be helping us to keep this a chemical-free event.

CAN I GET SOUVENIRS? You bet! Noted native Maine artist Eric Hopkins has created a commemorative Festival watercolor that is simply astounding! A limited number of signed and unsigned prints will be available, along with less expensive posters. Hats and t-shirts will also be sold. And, best of all, proceeds from sales of all souvenirs, posters, and food go towards building our new recreation center.

WHAT IF IT RAINS? The show must go on. We'll have a tent for the stage with seating for 150 underneath. Bring your foul weather gear and treat it as the adventure that it is!

HOW DO I GET TO CHEBEAGUE ISLAND? From Portland, the easiest and cheapest way is to ride Casco Bay Lines from the Ferry Terminal. Call Casco Bay Lines at 774-7871 for details. It will be about a one mile walk to the Festival, but hitchhiking is not exactly frowned upon on Chebeague!

Work in progressA work in progress...

We hope for this to be a fun way to help make the Recreation Center a reality. And if we do it right, we will continue to make it an annual event to help keep the recreation center running and growing.
All we need is YOUR help! Check back with us from time to time to see how the event is developing and we look forward to seeing you on July 26th!

Check out how to get a commemorative Eric Hopkins Chebeague Island print!

If you have comments or suggestions, please e-mail me at

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