(under construction - new listing with websites
for items made on Chebeague - please contact me to add your site
or information - bjohnson4850@gmail.com)
Chebeague Businesses
- Dylan Doughty - Dyl's Carts LLC
- Atlantic Time Antique Clocks - John W. Paynter, owner - 49 John Small Road and Cumberland email: maineclocks@aol.com
- Chebeague
Island Inn
- Chebeague
Island Boat Yard
- Michael Porter Marine
Design Systems Engineer Consulting
- Gail Miller's:
Miller Design Jewelry
- Jodi Federle - Real Estate
- Charles W. Hall, builder 846-5126
- Ladies Aid - Twice a year the Chebeague United Methodist
Church Ladies Aid has a fair where you may purchase all kinds
of handmade items. During the year you may order special Chebeague
Wool Gloves
- David Scrase Wooden bowls, platters, cutting boards,
Please call at 846 3486
- Sandra
Rice - galleries - plein aire
- Jerry Wiles' History with a Twist http://www.historywithatwist.com/
- Jane Leonard
- Real Estate
- Maine Mandalas (mainemandalas.com) (207)504-4628
Linda Carleton
- Misa Erder - Book Jacket Design ---- Misa's Blog
- Betsy Hanscom, Owner of Maine Warmers http://www.mainewarmers.com/
- The Truth About Horses: http://www.sarahpgibson.com/
- Jeff Putnam - Mooring Inspections
- Avis Flemming Art
- Secondwind Farm
- Vicki Todd Massage - www.vickitodd.massagetherapy.com email: VickiToddLMT@chebeague.net
- Linda Ewing Designs - Crafts made from recycled wood found on Chebeague and Interior Design consultations. 838 3662 Contact: lindanelewing@yahoo.com
- Wink Houghton -Wood turning items, bowls, salt cellars, mortar and pestle's, also make mobiles and stabiles. All items are made from items found on Island. Contact: WinkHoughton@aol.com
- Island Oaks Studio, Annette Kincaid - Weaver - Specializing in rag rugs. Additional merchandise: kitchen towels, place mats, runners and scarves. E-Mail: islandoaksstudio@gmail.com
- Kim Martin Artist
- Rich Plumbing Inc - Jon Rich, Island Plumber
- Sam Birkett - Real Estate
- Coveside Physical Therapy, LLC - Elizabeth Doughty, PT,DPT, GCS, SDP