Tammy Hoidal


Teacher K - Second Grade

Mrs. Hoidal has known all her life that she wanted to be a teacher. In fact, she had a tree house school when she was a child. When she was a Senior at Lake Region High School, she had the opportunity to experience teaching when she participted in an experimental program there. Instead of having a study hall, she got to teach first grade. Since then she has had a variety of teaching experiences in Exeter, New Hampshire, Beverly Hills, California and most recently the Lake Region School District in Naples.

When asked what's been different about teaching here, she related the experience of her first field trip to Second Wind Farm when she was very concerned about the students staying safely in a single-file line only to find there was no traffic. She says the smallness of the school allows for lots of hands-on learning experiences. She added that this is the first time she's ever had hot lunch every day, and she says it's the best commute she's ever had!

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