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Easter Sunrise from the East End Point

Chebeague Island is a beautiful and unique place.  It is the year-round home to about 350 people who are joined by approximately 1,500 seasonal residents.

Follow these links to learn more about the wonderful place that is Chebeague Island.


L.L.Bean (co-sponsor of the Maine Island Adventure program, with the Chebeague Recreation Center)
Chebeague Recreation Center (co-sponsor of the Maine Island Adventure program, with L.L.Bean)
Chebeague Inn  (accommodations for the Maine Island Adventure)
Chebeague Anchor Page (links to all Chebeague organizations and other websites)
Chebeague Island News Page (a daily chronicle of life on Chebeague)
Casco Bay Lines (information about the ferry service from Portland)
Chebeague Transportation Company (simple maps and basic information about the local ferry company's fares and schedules)

Ready for a paddle around the Island?  If you hug the shore all the way around, the distance is 9.2 miles.

Chebeague Island map

A Portrait of Chebeague

Chebeague was settled in the 1730s and is now a part of the Town of Cumberland.   Chebeague is one of fourteen remaining year-round island communities in the State of Maine. It has its own school (pre-kindergarten through grade 6), while sending junior and senior high school students to attend classes in the Town of Cumberland. It boasts its own volunteer fire and rescue squads, public safety building, town garage, solid waste transfer station and recycling center, health care center, adult family care home, church, cemetery, post office, 14,000 volume library, boatyard, Grange Hall, community hall, hotel, stores, community organizations, a full-scale recreation center with swimming pool, and everything else one would expect to find in a small community.

Approximately 350 people live on Chebeague year-round, while the summer population swells to about 1,850. Fishing is the single major industry. Non-fishing families support themselves by providing the goods and services needed by both the year-round and the summer communities. Between 25 and 50 people (depending on the season) commute to various mainland occupations. Chebeague is also home for many retired people.

Many people ask how "Chebeague" should be it "sha-BIG" or is it "sha-BEEG?"  That depends upon whether you're a native Islander or "from away." Either pronunciation is acceptable.


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© Chebeague Recreation Center, 2001
382 North Road, Box 320
Chebeague Island, Maine 04017

Call 207.846.5068 or toll-free: 1.888.905.9700

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