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"By most definitions, chebeague.net is Maine's first municipal
broadband network."
Tilson Technologies, November, 2015
Click here to contact Axiom
(or call 866-708-7998 for more
For @chebeague.net email support, please send email to
Items of interest:
We've made over 250 installations at homes
and businesses
on Chebeague.
We now proudly serve almost 90% of the year-round households. |
We provide service free of charge to Chebeague's non-profit organizations.
and to passengers aboard CTC's Islander.
See details about our low-income assistance
program! |
Please join chebeague.net in expressing deep gratitude to the ConnectME Authority, the Recompense
the Island Institute,
the Chebeague Inn, the Chebeague Recreation Center,
the Chebeague Boat Yard,
Back Bay Tower, the Ballard family, the Calder family,
our generous LLC members,
and to all of our loyal and patient customers
for helping us to launch and improve this great new service .
Thank you for your kind support!
newest town
with Maine's newest technology"