To contact me, Beverly Johnson : bjohnson4850@gmail.com. CLICK HERE FOR WEATHER or go to - HOOK BLUFF WEATHER STATION |
photo - of most of the plungers for the 2025 polar plunge. Click here for the results of the Chili Chowder and Soup Challenge.
February 4, 2025 - There will only be one option for soup tomorrow - Ruth’s split pea with ham. No vegetarian.
The Yarmouth vet will be at the Hall Thursday morning from 9:00 to 11:30. The signup sheet will be up by 6:30. Call Sam McLean (846 0510) with any questions. Call or text 207-846-6515 the vet ahead of time if you need a specific medication sent over.
February 3, 2025 - School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, February 4 at 6pm at the school - see agenda and packet!
Selectboard Meeting, Wednesday, February 5th at 6pm at the Hall - click here for agenda and packet.
Chebeague Community Church invites you to
This Saturday, Feb 8th at 1 pm and 330 pm, Cinema at Church:
A gripping portrayal of faith in action, 'Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy, Assassin' captures the moral dilemma of resisting tyranny with thoughtfulness and emotional depth. Angel Studios succeeds in bringing to life the courage of a man who stood firm in his convictions, even when it cost him everything. Run time 2:10
Sunday, Feb 16th at 4 pm Love UnScripted - "Love is more than romance—it’s connection, joy, and shared stories. Whether you’re single, partnered, a devoted plant parent, a proud fur-baby caregiver, or celebrating the love of friendships, family, or life itself—this gathering is for you.
--Join us for a special Valentine’s Supper Church (Chebeague Potluck Style) to celebrate love in all its beautiful forms. Bring your story, your favorite dish, poem, a song that speaks to your heart, or just come as you are to share in an evening of connection and community.
--Together, we’ll enjoy a delicious meal, hear inspiring stories, and reflect on the many ways love shows up in our lives."
#LoveUnscriptedCCC #ValentinesSupperChurch.
RSVP kindly to church email: church.chebeague@gmail.com by Feb 14th
February 1, 2025 - If you missed getting to the Polar Bear Plunge - click here and see one of the videos! More people went in the water this year than ever and it was really cold!!! What a group - we will have names later along with the results of the Chili, Chowder and Soup that followed.
1st Ehrhardt Groothoff - Venison Chili (#1)
2nd Raj Desai - 14 Hands Sweet Heat (#2)
3rd Andrew Fumarola - Chicken Tomato Chili (#9)
1st Beth Weis - Loaded Potato Soup (#9)
2nd Richard Hackel - Ukrainian Borscht (#2)
3rd Jennifer Corson - Mema's Madness (#3)
1st Bill Haines - Lobster Bisque (#6)
2nd Donna Damon - Seafood Chowder (#4)
3rd Bill McKenzie - New England Haddock Chowder (#1)
Thanks to all who participated and volunteered!
POLAR PLUNGE Today at 11 at the Boat Yard - lots of people plunging! Chili, Chowder and Soup at NOON at the Rec - a lot of exciting recipes - come and judge for yourself!
Dr. Rybka, the foot doctor,will be on Chebeague on February - See flyer and information!
Nurse Norah will be at the Health Cemter on February 12 - see flyer for times.
January 30, 2025 - An Invitation To The Island Community:
You are invited to a free concert that will be held on Friday, February 7 in celebration of Mac Passano's 100th birthday. Festivities will begin at 2pm and will be held at Thornton Hall . Cupcakes and drinks will be served. Mac is very much looking forward to visiting with friends and neighbors!
For more information, please call Denise Bonville or Thornton Hall
Thornton Oaks Retirement Community
25 Thornton Way
Brunswick, Maine
It’s cold out there. Confidential fuel assistance is available through the Chebeague Island Council. Call Lola at 420-0608.
January 25, 2025 - The polar plunge and chili/chowder/soup challenge is one week away! It’s not too late to sign up to compete in the Challenge (email chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com or call 846-5068). Remember that you can decide to plunge last minute, just meet us down at the Boat Yard at 11 am on Saturday. Hope to see you all at the Rec at noon to join us in enjoying the incredible chilis, chowders, and soups that our island cooks have to offer. And, if you are willing, please you bring your favorite recipe! There will be folks from the Historical Society that would love to add them to the Island Cookbook. Stay warm out there!
Our first plunge was in 1999 so that means this is the 27th year of plunging and I have done it every year with the exception of 2 or 3 - I guess I will do it again if I can get some pledges! If you want to pledge me or anyone else please contact me (Beverly) or the rec.
The town is seeking volunteers for a few boards and committees...Please click the link to learn more about what opportunities are available!
Boards & Committees Looking for Members!
One more week! Dog licenses are available at Town Office! Renew before January 31st to avoid a $25 late fee.
January 22, 2025 - From the Rec: Tomorrow, our Dessert and Discussion topic is Active Meditation at 1 pm. Don't forget to sign up for the polar plunge and/or submit a chili, chowder, or soup to the Challenge on February 1st. Email chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com if you'd like to sign up or have questions!
Today’s soups are Pasta Fagioli and White Chili. See you at the Hall at noon!
January 20, 2024 - photo - by George Hayden from the top of the hook looking at Mt Washington January 20th.
The CIHS is seeking paid and volunteer help. Our store has several retail and volunteer positions available for the summer. For retail help contact Anne Brenton at 603-489-8411 or e-mail CIHSstore@gmail.com. For volunteer opportunities e-mail chebeaguehistory@gmail.com. Please help us spread the word; we look forward to hearing from you.
January 17, 2025 - Tonight at 6pm at the Rec Center - Spagetti buffet dinner and trivia night 6pm - suggested donation $10.
Tuesday, January 21st School Board Meeting at the school at 6pm - see agenda and packet.
The nurse Norah Alper will be at the Health Center Wednesday, January 22 - click here for the flyer.
January 15, 2025 - Selectboard Meeting tonight at 6pm at the Hall - click here for agenda and packet.
The Chebeague Sailing School is looking forward to another fun summer on the water - there's no better way to make friends and explore the fun of sailing. Sign ups will open March 1, 2025 online.
This summer's sessions will take place:
Session 1: July 7 - 18
Session 2: July 21 - Aug 1
Session 3: Aug 4 - 15
More information about class times and descriptions, and the link for online signups can be found here - SAILING SCHOOL INFO.
January 14, 2025 - Tomorrow's lunch is Franks and Beans! Bring a friend! At the Hall at noon!
-Join us at the Rec Center for Dinner and Trivia this Friday, January 17th at 6 pm! Suggested donation of $10 per adult.
-The Rec Center is offering an interesting Dessert and Discussion coming up next week, January 23rd, at 1 pm about Active Meditation with Lisa Tucker.
-If you missed CRC's Needlepoint Crafternoon last week, there will be a bonus gathering at the Rec on January 24th at 1 pm.
-We're showing the NEW Warren Miller Ski movie at the Rec on Wednesday, February 22nd at 6pm!
-The Polar Plunge and Chili/Chowder/Soup Challenge is February 1st this year! Join us at 11 am at the Chebeague Island Boat Yard to plunge or cheer the plungers on and then come up to the Rec at noon to judge the delicious Chilis, Chowders, and Soups! Only $10 for adults and $5 for kids. We still need plungers and Chili/Chowder/Soup makers so stop by to sign up or email chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com
January 11, 2025 - Chebeague Community Church invites you to our Annual Meeting Gathering in the Sanctuary at 11 am on Sunday, January 19th followed by light refreshments in the Parish House. Members and Associates are encouraged to attend to vote in person or by Zoom.
Many have already heard and have helped Mark McGee who had a stroke in November. He is recovering well and is transitioning home which has and is difficult. His neice Becca has set up a gofund account to help him and it lets you know how in ways to help - click here!
January 7, 2025 - Tonight is the GEI Public Presentation
on Findings Relative to Barging/Bennetts Cove. Bennetts_Cove_Barge_Landing_2024-11-18.pdf ---Presentation Meeting at the Hall
at 6pm.
Most Selectmen's meetings are on youtube and I have a link on the upper right of this page about getting to the town's youtube channel - click here also.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8th, is the first meeting on this year's first draft of the budget presentation. Meeting at the Hall at 6pm.
-Dog Licenses are now available at the Town Office. Starting February 1, 2025, there will be a $25 state imposed late fee if you have not already gotten one.
-Boat Registrations are now open! The online portal is available or you can come into Town Office to process one for 2025.
The survey for the Transfer Station is in the link below. This link is a Survey Monkey and will accept only one response per IP address. This link can go on the town website, text alert and Cheb.org. I will include Facebook as well
3-Business Recovery and Resilience Fund Round 2 Guidelines - This is information for the next round of applications to be submitted for grants related to damage incurred from the December 2023 and January 2024 storms.
School Committee Meeting at the school - 6pm next Tuesday, January y, 2025 - click here for agenda and packet.
January 1, 2024 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
The Yarmouth vet will be at the Hall Thursday morning, January 2nd, from 8:50 to 11:30. The signup sheet will be on the door by 6:30. Contact Sam McLean with any questions. Call the vet beforehand if you need meds sent over.
December 16, 2024 - There has been interest in starting up Beginner and intermediate pickleball on Mondays again. Someone will be there from 5 to 7 if you want to learn about this fun game.
Tomorrow, December 17th is the School Board Meeting at the school at 6pm - click here for agenda and packet.
Wednesday, December 18th is the Select Board Meeting at 6pm at the Hall - click here for agenda and packet.
December 14, 2024 - Carol in the Woods: 12/14, 2:30-4:30 PM
Join CCLT, the Rec Center, and the Chebeague Community Church in the center cross of Littlefield Woods for festive holiday caroling followed by hot cocoa and tree lighting at the Rec. Caroling with guitar accompaniment by Gabriel Fuentes starts at 2:30. All are welcome and holiday attire is encouraged!
Nurse on Island - December 18, 2024 from 9 to 11:30 - Norah Alper RN will be at the Wellness Center at the Hall.
From CIHS: Don't forget the Historical Society store is open Sunday, December 15, from 1-4:00 p.m.
Most of the store is 20% off, with some items up to 40% off. We have free gift wrapping supplies (bags, ribbon, tags) until they run out. Stop in and say hi!
The Chebeague School recently traded in the yellow bus for a new smaller, more efficient school activity bus. The school committee had many discussions and sent out a survey to parents before making the decision that this new bus would be better suited to meet our current needs. This activity style bus does not have flashing lights when stopped but please keep safety in mind when you see the bus picking up or dropping off students. Click here for photo.
December 10, 2024 - Our friend and neighbor, Mac Passano, will celebrate his 100th birthday on December 16th, 2024. I know he would love to receive cards. His mainland mailing address is:
Leonard M. Passano
56 Baribeau Dr. Apt.333
Brunswick, Maine 04011-3257
A concert will be held in his honor on a future date. More information to follow.
December 8, 2024 - Hi- Christmas is fast approaching. The Museum Shop will be open on December 12th, Thursday evening from 5-7:30 pm. It is great to shop locally! Your purchases help to support the Historical Society's programs. Hope to see you there!
December 5, 2024 - The Chebeague Island Whalers present: "A Holiday Musical Potluck!" Saturday, December 7th, 7:00 PM at the Chebeague Community Church. Tickets at the door-$10.00 adults, under 18 free.
If you're on the island or nearby, I hope you'll join us tomorrow from 4:30 to 6:30 to enjoy a bit of holiday cheer! We have some great raffles, and Tyler Stanley will be playing holiday music during the event. Wishing you a joyous holiday season, from all of us at Island Commons.
December 4, 2024 - Norah Alper, RN will be on the Island at the Wellness Center (inside the Chebeague Island Hall/Community Center) on Wednesday, December 11. from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Norah will see patients for health information, blood draws, blood prressure checks, wellness checks, PT/INR testing, and tick checks.
Event Title: ,Mapping Chebeague's Marine Resources - Project Presentation
Date/Time/Location: Thursday December 5th, 2024, 6:00 PM, at the Hall.
Description: This event is hosted by the Chebeague Climate Action Team. The project was focused on mapping marine resources and activities in Chebeague's waters, documenting industry and environmental changes, and evaluating the impacts of climate change to help the community plan for the future. Click here for flyer.
December 2, 2024 - I (Beverly) will be on vacation until December 14th and David Hill drhill@chebeague.net will be updating the webpage as needed so please contact him with updates.
Message from the Rec - tomorrow, December 3 at 1pm Discussion and Dessert: Lifestyle Medicine with Erica Veazey
Sanford's Pond Clean Up: 12/7, 9-11:30 AM
This Saturday, 12/7, join CCLT to clean up the shoreline, grounds, and skate shack in preparation for the winter skating season. CCLT will bring tools, and if you have a weed wacker or limb loppers, please feel free to bring them. There is also a slight chance that the pond will be frozen enough to skate a little. If you are traveling over from the mainland, contact CCLT Stewardship Coordinator Jonathan Dawson at steward@ccltmaine.org to coordinate a ride.
HOLIDAY PARTY - Holiday Party in partnership with the Library and the Hall at the Hall SEE FLYER
Carol in the Woods: 12/14, 2:30-4:30 PM
Join CCLT, the Rec Center, and the Chebeague Community Church in the center cross of Littlefield Woods for festive holiday caroling followed by hot cocoa and tree lighting at the Rec. Caroling with guitar accompaniment starts at 2:30. All are welcome and holiday attire is encouraged! Click here to learn more.
November 30, 2024 - Event Title: Mapping Chebeague's Marine Resources - Project Presentation
Date/Time/Location: Thursday December 5th, 2024, 6:00 PM, at the Hall.
Description: This event is hosted by the Chebeague Climate Action Team. The project was focused on mapping marine resources and activities in Chebeague's waters, documenting industry and environmental changes, and evaluating the impacts of climate change to help the community plan for the future. Click here for flyer.
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday, December 3, 6pm at the school - see agenda and packet.
Select Person Meeting, Wednesday, December 4, at 6pm at the Hall - See agenda and packet.
November 28, 2024 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
The Red Studio at the Island Commons will be open Saturday from 10-noon. Lots of wonderful treasures, gifts for yourself (and family), and plenty of good cheer!
November 25, 2024 - A BIG THANK YOU to all the bakers who generously contributed to our fair. Also great support from the community as always which made it very successful. There are a few WREATHS left to order so PLEASE call Jan Frizzell 846- 4937
From the Council: The new contact person for fuel assistance is Lola Armstrong at (207) 420-0608.
CCC invites you to our Honest Advent Art Show Opening, Sunday, Dec 1st, 11 am at the Parish House(Dining Hall) following our First Sunday's Advent Sunday Gathering at 10 am. Please click this link for more details: Honest Advent Art Show at CCC
November 22, 2024 - Ladies Aid Fair - tomorrow, Saturday, November 23 from 11 to 1 at the Parish House!
Don't miss the Annual Turkey Trot at the Rec this year! Thanksgiving morning at 9am for cider and donuts and then walkers and runners will head out at 9:30! No registration needed - free event!!
November 19, 2024 - School Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm at the School.
Selectboard Meeting Wednesday, 6pm at the Hall - see packet and agenda.
Coastal Waters Commission Meeting in the Ross Room at the Fire Station - Thursday, November 21 at 6pm
November 14, 2024 - Caitlin Bowman is offering a first intro to using Google drive in the Rec Center's Tech Talks this Friday November 15 at 10 am in the community room at the Rec Center.
The Historical Society Board of Trustees has announced the departure of our President, Beth McNulty. She has resigned in order to devote more time to her health and work as an artist. There is no question but that CIHS has grown with her leadership and energy at the helm. We will miss her, but she has promised to continue in some volunteer work with us. There is no other change in Board leadership for now.
Sunday, Nov 17th at 4 pm (in lieu of a 10 am ) Chebeague Community Church invites you to our Compline Gathering - . In the warmth of candlelight, we’ll share in this ancient prayer tradition, open to all faiths and denominations, as we seek healing, rest, and hope in the name of Love. Our church remains a safe sanctuary for all as we come together after the stresses of the election. Click here to for flyer.
We at the CIHS are excited to announce that the Museum Shop will be open several times this holiday season. Stop in on Saturday, November 30, from 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for shopping, holiday cheer and gift wrapping. Other dates are Thursday, December 12, 5-7:30 p.m; and Sunday, December 15, 1-4 p.m. Gift wrapping is available on November 30 only. Most store items are 20% off, some are 30% off; some exclusions apply. Sorry, we cannot ship. And of course, the Museum Exhibit is open when our Shop is open! Hope to see you there!
November 13, 2024 - Soup Today: Curried carrot parsnip and turkey bean. See you at the Hall at NOON.
Offer A Song At the Whalers' Holiday Concert
The theme for this year's concert is "A Holiday Musical Potluck" (Saturday, December 7th at 7PM) and we want to invite everyone in the community to come with a musical dish to share! If you'd like to sing a holiday-related song, either as a solo or as part of a group, we'd love to have you join us. Just reach out to Ben at ben.yosuadavis@gmail.com so we can include you in the program (or if you have any questions.)
November 12, 2024 - Chebeague Community Church would like to remind you to order your Thanksgiving Boxes by this Thursday, November 14th!
Please email church.chebeague@gmail.com or call the office 846.6987 and leave a message.
Tonight: Vicki Todd will lead a Dessert and Discussion on November 12th at 6 pm. The theme is Gratitude. Members are free; $5 drop in for non-members.
Planning Board Meeting tonight at 6 pm - see agenda.
November 5, 2024 - ELECTION DAY 8:00AM TO 8:00PM AT THE HALL - Don't forget to VOTE!
Coming up at the Chebeague Recreation Center in November:
---There will be two Tech Talks this month, both at 10 am:
THIS Friday, November 8th - How to read a Profit and Loss Sheet
Friday November 15th - How to use Google Drive
(Members attend free, suggested drop-in donation of $5 for non-members)
---Vicki Todd will lead a Dessert and Discussion on November 12th at 6 pm. The theme is Gratitude. Members are free; $5 drop in for non-members.
----Eliza Jane Adams is leading a special Bystander CPR training on November 21st at 10 am. Open to all! Free for members.
----We are looking for a new Teen Center leader. There will be Teen Center on Friday November 8th and Saturday November 9th but after that, the days and hours will be more variable until we are able to find a new Teen Leader. Pay is $30 per hour. Check our website for updated info: https://www.chebeaguerecreation.org/upcoming-events.
----Don't miss our annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot! November 28th, cider at donuts 9:00-9:30 with the walk/run beginning at 9:30 this is a free event, and all are invited!
----Regular programs include: -Yoga classes with Hayley on Tuesdays, 9:15-10am and Fridays noon-1. -Personal Fitness Training with Bill - 9-10 (new time!) Monday through Friday. -Pick-up Pickleball games Wednesday/Friday 5-7 pm and Sundays 3-5pm.-Mahjong Wednesdays at 1:30pm.
----Kids' Place has space for on-island and off-island children! Contact us if you would like to learn more or have a tour of our facility.
----SAVE THE DATE: We're partnering with the Library and Hall to put on a Christmas party on December 7th! Keep an eye on our website for more information about upcoming programs, activities, and events.
----email: chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com; Website: www.chebeaguerecreation.org/upcoming-events
November 4, 2024 - Tomorrw is - ELECTION DAY 8:00AM TO 8:00PM AT THE HALL
School Board Meeting, Tuesday, November 5, 6pm at the school.
Select Board Meeting, Wednesday, November 6th, 6pm at the Hall and on Youtube. Click here for agenda and packet!
October 31, 2024 - Wellness Center nurse on island Tuesday November 5th from 9 to 11:30am. See flyer!
FOOT DOCTOR: Dr. Rybka will be at the Wellness Center on Wednesday, November 6, from 9 to 11:30. Call for an appointment 829-6463!
October 28, 2024 - Chebeague Island Historical Society is excited to announce that we are compiling recipes for a new Chebeague cookbook! We hope everyone will contribute. All are welcome. We will print at least one recipe from each person who submits. While it is not required, we hope that many of you will write something about the significance of a recipe/s in 25 words or less. It could be sharing a memory, the source of the recipe, or whatever you want to say. We will print some of the stories in the cookbook. The rest will be added to our archives. Please mail your recipes to CIHS Cookbook, PO Box 28, Chebeague Island ME 04017 or email them to cihsrecipes@gmail.com. Deadline for submission is January 15, 2025. We would love to have more volunteers on the committee. If you are interested in joining the committee please email cihsrecipes@gmail.com and provide your contact information, and we will be in touch!
The Recompense Fund recently hosted two informational sessions on isnurance. Click here to learn more about isurance information opportunities for under 65 and 65 and older.
October 21, 2024 - If you have an email address such as @chebeague.net or any other email and you get a notice that says action needed - do NOT click on it or respond!!! They are spam emails - the same goes with so many other emails from so called paypal or your credit cards or microsoft.
This Wednesday, Flu & Covid vaccine Clinic is Oct 23, 9-11:30 AM @ The Hall. Will have 65+ Flu vaccine as well as “regular”, and the updated Covid vaccine (Pfizer). Forms will be available at the Library, Council office, Town office, and the Post Office entrance in early October. Please bring the completed form with you. If your health insurance does not cover these vaccines, or you do not have health insurance, the Council will pay for this. Let’s try to have as many folks as possible get vaccinated and help keep everyone healthy!
Thursday: For those of us who have Silver Sneakers with Aetna Insurance and need help utilizing and getting money back for items such as the rec center usage. Maddie Downs (207-522-5321) will be at the Rec Center on Thursday, October 24th from 10-3 with all the forms you need and how to get reimbursed. This would be a great time to sign up for the Rec Center membership and get the money back. It would be great help for the Rec and be much less confusing then having to sign up everytime you use the facility. I will certainly be there to get help with this and exercise items that I have purchased that may be reiburseable through the $1200 amount that is allotted for each person.
GCTC Annual Meeting - Please save the date for the Great Chebeague Tennis Club Annual Meeting 2024! Join us as we review the 2024 season and discuss plans for the upcoming 2025 season. We hope to see you there!
Who: GCTC Members
When: Thursday, November 7th, 7:00pm
Where: Via Zoom
October 16, 2024 - Today's soups are Haddock Chowder and Roasted Vegetable. Join us at the Hall for Wednesday Soup at noon sponsored by the Island Council and Hall.
CHEBEAGUE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Our Harvest Open House is this Sunday from 1-4PM. We will have snacks and cider. The exhibit will be open along with the Museum Shop with 30% off.
For those who missed the Fiber Ribbon Cutting last Sunday and want to see the celebration click here.
Absentee ballots are now available at the town office or online.
October 15, 2024 - Tonight is a School Committee Meeting at 6pm at the school.
Tonight at 6:30 is Planning Board Meeting at the Hall - see agenda.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 16, is Selectboard Meeting at 6pm at the Hall - see agenda and packet.
October 14, 2024 - photo - by Steve Todd from Central Landing on October 14th. Click here for another from East End by Joe Chamberlin.
Tomorrow - Dessert and Discussion - Tuesday, October 15th from 1-2 pm. Donna Damon will be discussing the History of the Haunted Cellar!
October 12, 2024 - Flu and COVID vaccine clinic, Wednesday, October 23, 9-11:30 am at the Hall - click here for more information.
The Chebeague Rec Center has a lot going on this month:
---Dessert and Discussion is next Tuesday, October 15th from 1-2 pm. Donna Damon will be discussing the History of the Haunted Cellar!
---Friday October 25th will be busy with Crafternoon, Bird Felting, from 1-4pm. Spots are limited so sign up here: www.chebeaguerecreation.org/upcoming-events
---Saturday, October 26th we will be partnering with the Library and Second Wind Farm to do a Halloween-themed story-time followed by hayrides and pumpkin decorating starting at 10:30. All based at the library. All ages invited.
----The Teen Center Scavenger Hunt will be at 7:30 on the 25th, starting at the Rec. Email chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com if you're interested in attending or volunteering.
----Our regular exercise programs with Bill and Hayley as well as pickleball continue.
----Note: Teen Center is closed this weekend due to staffing shortage but will be back Friday and Saturday nights as of the 18th!
Check out our website for more information: www.chebeaguerecreation.org/upcoming-events
October 10, 2024 - photo - by Tom Phipps of the amazing Northern Lights we all saw October 10th from Chebeague.
Don't miss Sunday, October 13, from 1 to 3 - Ribbon-cutting Ceremony at the Hall marking the Official Opening of the Chebeague Fiber Network.
Followed by Lunch ---There are still a lot of installations to be done and the installers are working hard to get to everyone. There are a lot of us!
Grand Finale at the RED STUDIO is this Saturday, October 12th, from 10 to Noon. Don' miss out on end-of-season bargains!
For those who missed Nils Wessell talk on "Election 2024 Forecast", you can click here.
October 4, 2024 - photo - by Laura Jamison of sunrise October 4th.
Wednesday SOUP is back! We will start on October 16 at noon in the Hall.
We hope to see you there.
POETRY at the Libary, Saturday, October 5, at 3pm! Click here to learn more.
October 2, 2024 - The Yarmouth vet will be at the Hall Thursday morning from 8:45 to 11:30. The sign-up sheet will be on the front door at 6:30 a.m
Click here for the Island Commons October Newsletter.
Click here for the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust Fall Newsletter!
October 1, 2024 - Chebeague Island School Needs Your Help! The Chebeague Island School Buildings and Grounds Sub Committee is seeking 3-5 dedicated parents or community members to help us maintain and improve our school facilities. As a member of the sub committee, you will:
1.Review and discuss building maintenance and repair needs
2. Help prioritize projects and allocate resources
3. Collaborate with the school administration, staff, and contractors
4. Ensure our school is a safe and welcoming learning environment
If you are interested in making a positive impact on our school community, please consider joining the Buildings and Grounds Sub Committee. We will meet once a month and welcome your input and expertise.
To learn more or express your interest, please contact Aaron Townsend, Superintendent, at townsend@chebeagueschool.net or 846-4162.
If you are leaving the island, please leave someone with access to your house so the installers can get in.
They need to get the cable into the house and to install equipment inside.
Next Spring is TOO LATE, even if you are deferring service until the Spring!!
Click here for the Ocotber CTC Newsletter.
September 29, 2024 - photo - by Esther Danielson on September 29, 2024.
September 27, 2024 -Public Workshop with Western & Sampson regarding the Stone Pier at the Hall on October 03, 2024 at 6:00PM. Click here for workshop details.
NOTICE: For those of us who have Silver Sneakers with Aetna Insurance and need help utilizing and getting money back for items such as the rec center usage. Maddie Downs (207-522-5321) will be at the Rec Center on Thursday, October 24th from 10-3 with all the forms you need and how to get reimbursed. This would be a great time to sign up for the Rec Center membership and get the money back. It would be great help for the Rec and be much less confusing then having to sign up everytime you use the facility. I will certainly be there to get help with this and exercise items that I have purchased that may be reiburseable through the $1200 amount that is allotted for each person.
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, October 1st at the school 6pm.
Selectmen's meeting Wednesday, October 2nd at the Hall 6pm.
September 25, 2024 - The Town and Select Board are seeking your input on priorities for Chebeague Island. Please complete the Community Survey by October 8, 2024. https://forms.gle/Nuz2FoVYnN6KXitPA - Paper copies of the survey are available at the Town Office.
Don't forget to pay your property taxes before the end of the month.
September 24, 2024 - photo - by Jen Belesca on September 24.
Tomorrow - Applefest at Chebeague Island School--Please join us for a fun afternoon of apple themed events Wednesday at the school from 4:30-5:30! Everyone is welcome to attend!
Pam Curran will lead Dessert & Discussion today on the "key to living simply: wisdom from our foremothers" at 1pm at the Rec. Free to all.
September 23, 2024 - For Seniors 65+ or near - The Recompense Fund is sponsoring a free health insurance info session! (Wednesday, Sept 25, 6-7 PM): Medicare expert Maddie Downs will guide you through your options. At Hall and on zoom Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83549494266Meeting ID: 835 4949 4266
Yesterday I was at the Sandy River Rambler's concert where my friend Bud Godsoe plays the banjo along with other intstruments. Most of their songs are written by Stan and his wife Liz along with a few by Bud. They are a fun group and will be playing on Chebeague in the Spring if all works out. Click here to hear some of the songs from yesterday's concert in a church in Madrid, Maine.
Message from Otto Pizza: "I am opening up the ordering time a bit early to give everyone more time to place their order. This will be our final delivery of the season, so order up while you can! Click here to place your order!
The OTTO Pizza window is open now until Wednesday (9/25) at noon! We look forward to seeing you all on the Stone Wharf at about 4:15PM Wednesday.
A $4 Island delivery fee is included on each order. Gratuity is not automatically included. Please consider your delivery person and the kitchen staff!
All pizzas are delivered par baked unless you request full baked.
SAVE THE DATE!! October 13, 1:00
Ribbon-cutting Ceremony at the Hall marking the Official Opening of the
Chebeague Fiber Network.
Followed by Lunch
The network will be essentially complete, but the installers will
still be working hard to get to everyone. There are a lot of us!
September 20, 2024 - BRUSH DUMP TEMPORARY CLOSURE: Check out the Town Website to learn about the closure beginning Saturday, September 21st through at least September 27th. The town will also be delivering free mulch next week - contact the tn office at 846-3148 for a truck load, 4-5 yards of material, can be delivered and dumped in your driveway (loads cannot be divided).
The Library has a new website address: https://www.chebeaguelibrary.org/
September 19, 2024 - Nurse on Island: Office hours, Wednesday, September 25, 2024 from 9 to 11:30 am at the Wellness Center. Norah Alper, RN will be inside the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center.
Message from May Hall: I will be walking in the Alzheimer's Walk on October 19, 2024. I'm walking as part of the Hawthorne House team and am hoping to help raise funds to support Alzheimer's research! If you'd like to donate, you can make your tax deductible donation at the Alzheimer's Association website: http://act.alz.org/site/TR?fr_id=17678&pg=personal&px=23728716
September 17, 2024 - Swami returns to Chebeague and will be at the library tomorrow, the 18th of September at 4 pm. He will be giving a talk encompassing Inner Peace and World Peace. He will be on Chebeague through the 21st and available for 1:1 meetings. Email artryder08@gmail for appointments with Swami.
September 16, 2024 - Today - Join the Chebeague Climate Action Team, Chebeague Island After School Program, and Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust for a Maine Coastal Cleanup event on September 16th, 3pm, at Chandlers Cove Beach. Help keep our coast healthy and clean!
In July Kim Hamilton, President, Island Institute did a wonderful talk for the Chebeague Island Historical Society - Long Time Partnership Island Institute and Chebeague Island- It has been added to the website.
The proxies for the Hall's annual meeting will be available in the October Calendar and at the library. Please fill yours out today and return to one of our directors! Click here to get a copy.
Note date change: The Recompense Fund is also sponsoring free Health Insurance information on September 25th from 6 to 7 for Seniors 65+. Medicare expert Maddie Downs will guide you through your options.
September 14, 2024 -Come Sing With the Whalers for the Holidays!
The Whalers, Chebeague's Community Chorus, will be starting up its rehearsals for our holiday concert (12/7). We are a beginner-friendly chorus with a lot of room for first-timers and experienced singers alike (and for our holiday concert, we'll be having a kids chorus as well - stay tuned for more details!)
We'll kick off with a potluck and mini-rehearsal at 54 Fire House Road on Monday, 9/23, from 5:30-7:30PM, with regular weekly rehearsals starting up at the Parish House on Monday, 9/30 from 7-9PM.
Interested or have questions? (Especially calling all sopranos and basses!) Reach out to Ben Yosua-Davis at ben.yosuadavis@gmail.com
Message from Jon Rich: "As Fall is approaching, I'm feeling the need to reach out to all my seasonal customers to get a jump on winterizing any cottages ready to be shut down for winter. If you know your place is ready to close, please don't wait to let me know. I need to get as many as possible done early before a cold snap. Email: Jon Rich <jonrich@chebeague.net> Text or call 522-3439!
Thank you
September 13, 2024 - MacBeth 2024 Season Wraps Up in Stunning Fashion. The season came to a glorious climax last Sunday evening with Tyler Putnam and Sarah Nordin's breathtaking production of Carmen. It's the world's most popular opera and now we know why. The rapturous applause and shouts of "Bravo" and "Brava" were a fitting conclusion to another highly successful MacBeth summer. The MacBeth Steering Committee is abidingly grateful to so many Chebeaguers who help us bring such wonderful artistry to our community. Our individual donors, the Recompense Fund and the Raymond Family Foundation are incredibly generous and supportive. Many folks provide housing, meals and transportation for the musicians. We are blessed to be able to use the Chebeague Community Church with its wonderful piano and acoustics as the venue for our indoor performances. We are grateful to the Chebeague Island Community Association--especially Bob Earnest-- for serving as Macbeth's fiscal agent, to Bev Johnson whose chebeague.org plays an indispensable role in getting the word out about the concerts, to Chip Emery for maintaining the Island Events calendar and for offering his sound equipment and technical advice and to the Chebeague Island Library for being an enthusiastic partner for the children's programs. Finally, we are grateful to everyone who attended this year's performances and responded to the music with such energy and good will. See you next season!
Supper Church at Chebeague Community Church - Sunday 5:30
"Join us for Supper Church on September 22nd at 5:30 PM as we gather to celebrate the autumnal equinox with a potluck meal, music, a reading, and a short message. All are welcome as we break bread together and welcome new members into our church community."
RSVP with Vicki Todd by text or call 207.400.4319 or by email at church.chebeague@gmail.com
September 12, 2024 - Tonight 6 to7Chebeague Island Residents: Join us for free health insurance info session - For those under 65. Learn about affordable healthcare options with Ann Woloson from CAHC. At the Chebeague Island Hall or on zoom. Join Zoom Meeting- no password
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86912483714 Sponsored by The Recompense Fund!
Refreshement also served. Click here for more information.
Note date change: The Recompense Fund is also sponsoring free Health Insurance information on September 25th from 6 to 7 for Seniors 65+. Medicare expert Maddie Downs will guide you through your options.
September 11, 2024 - Tomorrow, Thursday, September 12 from 6 to7Chebeague Island Residents: Join us for free health insurance info session - For those under 65. Learn about affordable healthcare options with Ann Woloson from CAHC. At the Chebeague Island Hall or on zoom. Join Zoom Meeting- no password
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86912483714 Sponsored by The Recompense Fund!
The Kids' Place Mums fundraiser is back! Mums pickup will be at Kids' Place September 18th and 19th. Please deck out your deck with mums in support of Kids' Place. Mums can be purchased here: The Kid's Place Fundraiser Order Form (estabrooksonline.com) Thank you so much!
Also, tomorrow, September 12, there will be another Painting workshop with Sandra Rice from 10 to noon at the Rec.
September 10, 2024 -
Supper Church at Chebeague Community Church
"Join us for Supper Church on September 22nd at 5:30 PM as we gather to celebrate the autumnal equinox with a potluck meal, music, a reading, and a short message. All are welcome as we break bread together and welcome new members into our church community."
RSVP with Vicki Todd by text or call 207.400.4319 or by email at church.chebeague@gmail.com
Chebeague Climate Action Team Meeting Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 at 6:00 PM Zoom Meeting - click here for agenda.
Christina Mitchell, Democratic Candidate for State Representative will be at the Island Hall on Saturday, September 14th, 11:00-12:30. See flyer.
• Session 1 (Sept 12, 6-7 PM): For those under 65. Learn about affordable healthcare options with Ann Woloson from CAHC.
• Session 2 (Sept 25, 6-7 PM): For Seniors 65+. Medicare expert Maddie Downs will guide you through your options.
Both sessions at the Hall. Don’t miss out on this chance to get informed and make the best choice for your health coverage! FREE
September 8, 2024 - TONIGHT: Tyler and Sarah to Bring Carmen to Chebeague, Sunday, September 8 at 7:00 p.m. at the Chebeague Community Church.
Click here for the Chebeague Island School 2024 Summer Newsletter!
Click here to see the Memorial Day Program that I am finally able to share with you. Honoring those with Chebeague ties who served in Vietnam and as well as those who served during the Vietnam Era.
September 4, 2024 - Click here for the end of the year message from the Tennis Club.
Now that fiber and high speed internet has come to Chebeague I can start getting out on this sight and into the Historical Society website some of the lectures that have been happening over the summer. Click here to see the program by Toby Webb on New Developments in Geneology!
Selectboard Meeting tonight, Wednesday at 6pm - click here for agenda and packet.
The Yarmouth vet will be at the Hall Thursday morning from 8:45 to 11:30. The sign-up sheet will be on the front door at 6:30 a.m
Join us this Friday, September 6th, 4:30pm-6:30pm at The Commons for our Annual Harvest Party! Many thanks to the T-Pollock band for playing once again, and to Kai Adams of Sebago Brewing for providing beer. Hope to see you there...bring family and friends! ~Nancy Olney
GRAND OPERA GRAND FINALE: Things to Know About Sunday's Production of Carmen. Tyler, Sarah and friends arrived on Chebeague on Sunday night and plunged into rehearsals on Monday. They ran through their abridged version of the world's most popular opera and tell MacBeth it's 1 hour and 15 minutes long. The dress rehearsal will be on Friday at 1:00 p.m. You are welcome to drop by the church to get a preview. Grand Opera often contains themes and scenes that are not appropriate for children. Carmen is no exception. Parents should consider this a PG-13 production. And, please, no photography or recording of this performance. See you Sunday evening at 7:00 at the Chebeague Community Church. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing (carldt@gwi.net).
NURSE ON ISLAND - OFFICE HOURS - Wednesday, September 11, from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Chebeague Rec Center Updates:
This Thursday, September 5th, don't miss painting with Sandra Rice at the Rec. Bring a photo to print, paper and paints, and get expert advice! $20 for non-members. Free for members. No pre-registration needed.
---Mark your calendars to save the date for the Hot Diggity Dog Fall Equinox Cookout, at the Rec, Friday, September 20th, 5-7 pm. This will be a volunteer appreciation event and family night. $10 for members, volunteers and kids under 10 are free.
---Dessert and Discussion will be on Tuesday, September 24th, 1-2 pm and Pam Curran will be presenting The Practice of Simple Connected Living: My Lessons from Island Foremothers.
---In case you didn't know, Bill McKenzie, our Recreation Director, is running adult exercise classes 8-9am Monday through Friday. Stop by and get some personalized fitness instruction!
---Hayley is continuing her popular Beginner Yoga classes on Fridays at noon.
---Finally, there are no lifeguards but the pool is open for lap swim 8-noon weekdays from now until Friday, September 13th.
September 2, 2024 - The Yarmouth vet will be at the Hall Thursday morning from 8:45 to 11:30. The sign-up sheet will be on the front door at 6:30 a.m.
MacBeth’s Season Grand Finale! Tyler and Sarah to Bring Carmen to Chebeague, Sunday, September 8 at 7:00 p.m. One of last season’s most memorable moments was the eruption of applause and shouts of “Bravo” and “Brava” at the conclusion of La Boheme. Grand opera had come to Chebeague—triumphantly. Tyler Putnam, Sarah Nordin and friends will thrill us again next Sunday with an abridged version of Georges Bizet’s Carmen, the world’s most popular opera. Come hear some of the opera world’s most inspiring and familiar music—the Habanera, the Toreador Song and many others-- and experience again what first-class opera is like on an island in the middle of Casco Bay. You might want to come early. Last season’s concert drew a record crowd. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing).
The OTTO Pizza window is open now until Wednesday (9/4) at noon! We look forward to seeing you all on the Stone Wharf at about 4:15PM Wednesday.
A $4 Island delivery fee is included on each order. Gratuity is not automatically included. Please consider your delivery person and the kitchen staff!
All pizzas are delivered par baked unless you request full baked.
Street Corn Pizza: Fire Roasted Corn & Jalapenos with Chili-Lime Onions, Chipotle Cream, Mozzarella and Cojita Cheese.
Southwest Salad: Lettuce, Corn & Black Bean Salsa, Tomatoes, Red Onions, Cojota Cheese. Servied with House Made Honey Chipotle Dressing
Click here to place your order!
August 30, 2024 - Greetings from the Museum! We have some updates to share. Labor Day weekend Sale!!! 20% off everything inside the shop (August 30, 31, Sept 1), some exclusions apply. Next week our fall hours begin: open Fridays and Saturdays 10 am - 4 pm, Sundays 1-4:00 pm. October 13 is our last day. You may have noticed the giant lobster above our parking lot. We are excited to announce we now carry metal sculptures by Clint Jones! Check out more inside the shop.
Our new permanent exhibit has received rave reviews, so if you haven't stopped by please visit us now that the island is quieter. And as always, thank you for supporting the Chebeague Island Historical Society, and special thanks to all our volunteers who made our busy summer so successful, we couldn't do it without you!
Radio Controlled sailing demonstration at the Boat Yard, 3-4:30…..Friday Aug 30.
Come on by and learn about RC sailing and try your hand. Have some fun.
Message from Jen: Happy Labor Day Weekend! The Niblic will be open Friday & Saturday 8am-3pm and Sunday 9am-2pm. We are closed Monday & Tuesday. Our final day of the season is Sunday September 8th. Stop in and grab some last of summer reminders or do some early holiday shopping. Call ahead for lunch so you don't have to wait. Need just one more breakfast sandwich or cinnamon bun? Hope to see you again before we close! Thank you very much for supporting our island business!
School House Seconds Season Grand Finale Sat. Aug. 31, 9-noon. Yes, we’re open for your Labor Day weekend entertainment! Help us Move the Merch. Take what you like & make a donation.
Rising Sea Video copyright 2023 Sara Shettleworth Mrosovsky of the changes to the Hook - click here to see!
August 29, 2024 - Fiber installs have started! They did 20 installs yesterday!
Axiom will have 4 (maybe 5) installers on the island for the next 2 months, about. They would like to rent a place, so the workers can spend more time installing and less time commuting, which will help everyone get hooked up faster. If you can help, please get in touch with Michael Porter (in the phonebook).
Free installation by Axiom is only available at the time of the initial roll-out while the installation crews are on the Island. After the crews leave, Axiom must charge over $300 for the crews to again make the trip for installations, so act quickly! Call 207-255-0679.
MacBeth Reminder: The Seaside Brass Quintet Presents a Summer Potpurri, Saturday, August 31, 2:30 p.m. at the Gallaghers, 113 Cottage Road. These island favorites will return to Chebeague this weekend with their fun, relaxed vibe and engaging arrangements of tunes by Lennon and McCartney, Duke Ellington, Edvarg Grieg, Smokey Robinson, Antonio Carlos Jobim and much more. So, bring your lawn chairs and blankets and revel in the brassy sounds of our Seaside friends. In case of rain, we’ll see you at the Chebeague Community Church. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing (carldt@gwi.net; (207 239-1962).
Join the Chebeague Climate Action Team, Chebeague Island After School Program, and Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust for a Maine Coastal Cleanup event on September 16th, 3pm, at Chandlers Cove Beach. Help keep our coast healthy and clean!
August 27, 2024 - DO YOU NEED A DRILLED WELL? If so, please email Bob at pesos_dingier.0k@icloud.com. The hope is to get a well driller to the island in late fall / early winter. Thanks!
CIYC Annual Meeting - Thursday, August 29
Please join us this Thursday, August 29 for the CIYC 2024 Annual MeetingIN PERSON 4:30pm at 330 South Road - Beverages provided, please bring a munchie to share
ON LINE5:00pm - Viewable via GOOGLE MEET LINK, BYOB :)
** NOTE: viewing only **
August 24, 2024 - Updates from the Chebeague Recreation Center:
Teen Center Update: The last day of summer Teen Center will be Thursday, August 29th, 7-9pm. Fall Teen Center is scheduled to begin Thursday, September 5th and Friday, September 6th and will be open as staffing allows every Thursday and Friday night from 7-10pm. All teens and pre-teens are welcome and encouraged to attend this free program!
End of the season pool update: most of our lifeguards headed back to school so the only remaining days with lifeguards at the pool are August 24/25/27/28/29/30/31 and the last guarded day will be September 1st (note there are no lifeguards able to work Monday, August 26th). HOWEVER, we are offering Swim at Your Own Risk, No Lifeguard on Duty lap swim for anyone 18+ from 9 to noon on Monday, August 26th and Monday through Friday, 9 am to noon, September 2nd through September 13th. September 13th will be the last day that the pool is open for the season.
Message from the CTC: At the request of the Chebeague Island School Department, CTC will begin running the special school boats which depart at 7:05am and 2:50pm from Chebeague and return at 7:20am and 3:05pm from Cousins on Wednesday, 8/28. In accordance with the agreement with the Town of Yarmouth that allows us to run these extra trips, there is no CTC bus service, and we cannot include these trips in our published schedule. Please disregard notices of the school trips beginning 9/3.
August 23, 2024 - Reminder: Sunday, August 25, at 6 p.m. AT THE PARISH HOUSE we will be hosting a turkey dinner to raise some funds for Bea's study abroad in Australia. Turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes, vegetables and desserts. We will also be playing British Trivia and pictures from Bea's first semester abroad program will be available! Hope to see you there. Questions? Call May 332.2368
6pm Saturday August 24th at the Island Hall - Sponsored by the Historical Society - All are invited to attend a free screening of 43 DEGREES NORTH, a movie filmed on Casco Bay Islands. Homemade macaroons and lemonade will be served. Watch the first teaser at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkIknLMFrcc and the official trailer at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJz-B9BD1-A - click here to see flyer.
School House Seconds is open this Saturday, August 24 from 9-noon. It’s the Fill A Bag Sale continuation! Fill a pillowcase from SHS for a great price. The Trunk Sale has been extended; super deals on lamps, appliances and Christmas decorations. And best of all, your purchases support Island Council programs such as Fuel Assistance and the Health Clinic.
Message from Ursula King: My friend, Noah Charney, Assistant Professor at University of Maine Orono, and author of the book ‘Trees Tell A Story’ will be giving a talk at the Chebeague Island Library on Saturday, Sept. 7th at 4:30 p.m.
Please put it in your calendar and help me welcome Noah and his family to Chebeague Island for the weekend!
The library will be hanging flyers and posting ads soon!!
Noah and I met helping a mutual friend to form a committee to work with the city of Nashville, TN to conserve the Highland Rim Forest, where he grew up and right near where I live in the winters. That effort is underway and moving slowly but surely toward a major land conservation within city limits.
Noah moved with his young family to Maine to accept a professorship at UMO about three years ago. A Southerner by birth and raising, he loves Maine and the community of new friends and researchers he has made and the lands and waters of this great State. If you see us about and about on beaches and in forests that weekend of his talk, stop and say hello!
August 22, 2024 -
Trail Crew - Invasives removal and trail building on Chebeague Island THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2024 9:00 AM 11:00 AM
We are determined to cut back the bittersweet vines in the clearing at Littlefield Woods and we are almost there! We have other mini-projects there as well, such as scoping out a possible new trail spur. Bring loppers, gloves, and water. CCLT will bring tools and gloves too. Please join Jonathan Dawson at Littlefield Woods - steward@ccltmaine.org.
Slow Bell Cafe
Ice cream hours will be
WED - Thursday 7 - 9pm
Dinner & Ice Cream Fri & Sat 5 - 10pm
This weekend Fri Trivia! - Sat KARAOKE!
Aug 31st Sat WEST ENDERS!
See u at the Slow Bell!!
Next Up for MacBeth: The Seaside Brass Quintet, Saturday, August 31 at 2:30 p.m. Always a highlight of the MacBeth summer series, the Seaside Brass Quintet will return Labor Day weekend for a concert in Jim and Anne Gallaghers’ yard, 113 Cottage Road. No theme this year, just an eclectic and fun selection of tunes. You might find yourself singing along with “When I’m Sixty-Four” or tapping your foot to “It Don’t Mean a Thing if it Ain’t Got That Swing” or getting into a Bossa Nova vibe with “The Girl From Ipanema.” So, bring your lawn chairs or blankets and revel in the brassy sounds of our Seaside friends. In case of rain, we’ll see you at the Chebeague Community Church. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing (carldt@gwi.net).
August 20, 2024 - photo - taken by Art Ryder the morning of August 20th
Chebeague Island Historical Society - Ellsworth Miller Memorial Lecture Series presents: TOBY WEBB, New Developments in Genealogy - Monday, August 26, 2024 @ 7pm, in person, at the Island Hall. (No Zoom coverage. (Lecture will be recorded and posted on the CIHS website.) See flyer.
August 18, 2024 - Pants, the dog, is still missing from last Wednesday so please keep your eyes open for her around the island. Click here for flyer.
Announcing the School House Seconds Trunk Sale! To be held during regular 9-noon hours on Tuesday, August 20. Featuring lamps, appliances, Christmas decorations and insulated drinkware at incredible prices. And, it’s a double feature: it’s also the Fill A Bag Sale! (Also open Tuesday, 7-8pm, as usual).
August 15, 2024 - LOST DOG - Click here to see photo and information. She is very skittish and I think she has been missing since yesterday evening.
The Inn is sponsoring a community yoga class on Saturday mornings until the end of August (3 total). On the Lawn 8-9 am, led by Katy McCann! They have mats or bring your own,
CANCELLED because of the pending storms- How a Golf Course Becomes a Climate Solution scheduled for today.
Message from May: "On Sunday, August 25 (6-9 p.m.) we will be holding a fundraising dinner for Bea's second study abroad semester in Sydney, Australia. Bea will be sharing pictures and stories from England and will also have information about her Sydney semester. --We will be serving a turkey dinner with mashed potatoes, green beans, and salad. Desserts will be served (if you want to help with these, let me know). We ask for a minimum donation of $10 to cover the cost of the dinner, but if you can't, please contribute what you can.
We will also hold a BRITISH HISTORY/CULTURE trivia game. Hope you all can play! --We appreciate all the support that the island community has shown Beatrice over the past few years. She has grown so much from her travels (as many of you have seen) and this next step will expand her understanding of the world even more. Thank you in advance, and hope to see you on the 25th!"
This Sunday: Classical Pianist Henry Kramer’s Exciting Debut, Sunday, August 18, at 7:00 p.m. Although Mr. Kramer is new to Chebeague, he is known to the Chebeague musical family. Diane Walsh, long-time island favorite, recommended him to us, calling him "a very fine pianist." Mihae Lee, pianist and director of the Sebago Long Lake Music Festival, told us, "He's really good." Steve Harris and John Howard, who saw him at Colby College a couple of years ago, say he's "a monster." In other words, it's not just the New York Times that raves about him. Mr. Kramer's program here will be both familiar and challenging. Join us Sunday evening to hear what the fuss is all about.
Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing (carldt@gwi.net).
The Commons Bay Mist Cruise was a resounding success! It was a great crowd with many new faces, and a wonderful way to celebrate our first 25 years serving Chebeague. Many thanks to all our sponsors, donors, attendees and volunteers who joined together & raised over $30,000 to support the Commons. We wouldn't be here without all of you on our team. Thank you! Click HERE to see Cathy MacNeill's fabulous photos of the Cruise.sa
August 14, 2024 - NEW TRAFFIC FLOW PATTERNS AT STONE PIER: Please go to the Town Website and click on News and announcements - starting this week 8/12/24! You can click here and see the ordinance and a map of the changes.
Michael Hollander is hosting a Boxing Class at Chebeague Recreation Center on August 20th 5:45-7:15pm. The class is limited to 7 people on a first come, first served basis. If there is additional interest, we will do the class again. Boxing is often rated as the most physically challenging sport. It combines endurance, strength and power. Come learn the basic fundamentals of Boxing. This class will cover footwork and proper punching technique. Participants will learn how to skip rope, shadow box, use the heavy bag, and work with punching mitts. This is non-contact boxing and is open to all fitness levels. Boxing gloves, hand-wraps and jump ropes will be provided. To sign up call the rec center at 207-846-5068 or email chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com.
Elise Marie is hosting her second jewelry making clinic at Chebeague Recreation Center on August 29th 5:30-7:00 pm: Make your own hoop earrings! Sign up here
Article in the Portland Press Herald about the Sardine carrier Jacob Pike that Sumner Pike Rugh would like to get restored - click here.
Message from Kim Boehm: Bev Johnson and Doug Ross have taken over installing pull lines in the conduit for Axiom's fiber installs. Contact bjohnson4850@gmail.com or dougross@chebeague.net to get your name on the list.
August 13, 2024 - Grow Your Own Meadow WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2024 - 5:00 PM 6:00 PM- at the HALL! In a world where lawns have wreaked havoc on our natural ecosystems, meadows offer a compelling solution. Meadows establish wildlife habitats, are low-maintenance, have a built-in resilience that helps them weather climate extremes, and draw down and store far more carbon dioxide than any treated lawn. If you’re thinking you might want to start your own meadow, join Owen Wormser, a regenerative landscaper and author of the book Lawns Into Meadows, as he explains how to get started.
Tonight - Join the Chebeague Climate Action Team for a community meeting on the findings of the Groundwater Sustainability Study - August 13, 2024, 7 pm at the Chebeague Island Hall - Everyone is welcome, refreshments will be served!
August 11, 2024 - Join the Chebeague Climate Action Team for a community meeting on the findings of the Groundwater Sustainability Study. Tuesday, August 13, 7pm at the Hall. Everyone is welcome, refreshments will be served.
Join us at School House Seconds on Tuesday, August 13, 9-noon and 7-8pm. It’s our “All You Can Wear” Sale. Mark your calendars: SHS is open all Tuesdays in August, 9-noon and 7-8pm. And…two Saturdays, 9-noon. Saturday, August 24 and Saturday, August 31 (Labor Day Weekend) for the Grand Finale Pop Up Sale. Find puzzles, Christmas items, bedding, housewares, clothing and more.
Chebeague Island Historical Society's 2024 House Tour is Tuesday, August 13th from 10:30am to 4:30pm!
Don't miss out on this event featuring six unique island homes.
You can visit the Museum or call us at 846-5237 to buy tickets, support as a sponsor, or sign up as a volunteer. Tickets cost $35 in advance and $40 on the day of the tour.
The Gift Shop and Museum hours are: Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm, and Sundays from 1 pm to 4 pm, or by appointment. For online purchases, visit our Facebook page where you can buy tickets directly."
Chebeague received $75,000 infrastructure storm recovery grant from the state - see article in Portland Press Herald.`
Chebeague Island Residents: Join us for free health insurance info sessions! Click here to learn more!
• Session 1 (Sept 12, 6-7 PM): For those under 65. Learn about affordable healthcare options with Ann Woloson from CAHC.
• Session 2 (Sept 17, 6-7 PM): For Seniors 65+. Medicare expert Maddie Downs will guide you through your options.
Both sessions at the Hall. Don’t miss out on this chance to get informed and make the best choice for your health coverage!
Admission: Free
Contact: Michael McNulty, michaelmcnulty63@gmail.com
to Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust’s Summer Gathering TUESDAY, August 20, 4 – 6 PM
Join us and Maine’s leading ocean scientists to celebrate land conservation, stewardship, and climate resilience efforts on Chebeague Island.
Janet Duffy-Anderson of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute and Susie Arnold of the Island Institute will discuss ocean warming and biodiversity, the state of Maine’s fisheries, and hope around climate change.
Speakers begin at 5:00., Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Thank you if you’ve already responded. If you plan to come and haven’t yet signed up, please RSVP here by August 12.
August 9, 2024 - Chebeague Island School Seeks Van Driver
The Chebeague Island School Committee is currently looking into the feasibility of a smaller, more economical transportation option for servicing our community. Our long-time bus driver retired at the end of last year, and we have not had any applicants for the school bus driver position. Our current bus also has significant maintenance and fuel costs given the low recent ridership. Thus, we are looking to see if there are interested applicants to serve as a school van driver as part of a new transportation plan.
Please see the job description here and contact Aaron Townsend, Superintendent, at townsend@chebeagueschool.net for more information or to submit an application.
Please join us at the Chebeague Recreation Center for Dessert and Closing Ceremony of the Olympics with Jerry Wiles on August 11th at 6:30! Jerry Wiles will tell us the incredible story of his visit to the Olympic games in Munich, you don't want to miss it!
Acclaimed Classical Pianist Henry Kramer To Make His Chebeague Debut. Mr. Kramer, a native of Cape Elizabeth, will appear on Sunday, August 18 at 7:00 p.m. at the Chebeague Community Church as part of the MacBeth Concert Series. He’s an award-winning musician “who combines stylish programming with insightful and exuberant interpretations.” His stylish programming for his Chebeague debut will feature mostly French composers, including Maurice Ravel, Jean-Phillipe Rameau and Francois Couperin. The New York Times has praised him for “thrilling and triumphant” performances. The Cleveland Classical Review called attention to his “astonishingly confident technique, steady rhythm and masterful pacing.” Join us on the 18th to see and hear what the fuss is all about. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing (carldt@gwi.net).
August 8, 2024 - Please click here to learn more about the Burial at Sea Ceremony on Sunday, Aug 11 at 5:15pm approximately off the east side of Little Chebeague Island by CTC Ferry, fishing boat or recreation boat for Jeremy Ames(1hour long).
The Martha Hamilton Arts and Crafts Bonanza is this Saturday at the Hall from 10:00 to noon. Now's the time to replenish your stash or stock up for your classroom. We have supplies of every type from high-quality yarn, designer fabric, and fine arts supplies to woodworking, weaving, rugmaking, quilting, and papercrafting materials--and you may help yourself to as much as you like for a $5 entry fee! We have start-me and finish-me projects, vintage sewing boxes and buttons, and donations from famous crafters and artists of the past. Take a chance on a Martha Hamilton quilt top or a basket of hand-dyed yarn including accessories and patterns!
TWO BIRDS CAFE - We are open Thursday - Sunday 10:00 - 3:00. Join us for our Saturday Evening on the deck 5:30 - 9:00. This week we will be featuring Chebeague’s very own
Isaac van Voorst, a jazz pianist that plays with his own unique style and approach. He is taught and mentored by the renowned pianist Vardan Ovsepian, while attending the Berklee College of Music!! Don’t miss the opportunity to see this wonderfully talented musician 5:30 - 8:00 at the Two Birds Cafe!!! See you soon…. Xo The Birds
TODAY: Ladies Aid Fair - 11 to 1 at the Hall!!
August 5, 2024 - Join us at the LADIES AID FAIR on Thursday August 8th from 11am to 1pm at the CIHCC.
We have lots of things to wear, lots of things to eat, and lots of things just because they’re fun.
School House seconds is open August 6 from 9-noon and 7-8pm. Enjoy Another “Shop ‘Til You Drop BOGO Surprise Sales”. Thank you for your donations this season. Reminder: Donations are no longer accepted.
August 4, 2024 - TOMORROW: The Recompense Fund is delighted to invite everyone to the 2024 Celebration Event recognizing and applauding all Chebeague nonprofits on Monday, August 5, at 5:00 P.M. at the Recreation Center Tennis Court. This is an opportunity for islanders to learn about all the nonprofits as they share their recent accomplishments, future goals, hopes and dreams. The sustainability of the year-round community is dependent on their successes. Recompense especially wants to thank the community and you for your generosity. So far this year The Recompense Fund has awarded $66,000 in grants.
today: MacBeth To Make Way for Ducklings, Sunday, August 4 at 4:00 p.m. at the Chebeague Community Church.
** Round Island Race Update ** Due to a lack of wind, the CIYC Round Island Race did not take place on August 3. Because of forecasted thunderstorms on Sunday, August 4, the Round Island Race will be moved to Saturday, August 17 (replacing the Picnic Race). More information at chebeagueyachtclub.com or contact Rich Hubbell (hubbell.rich@gmail.com).
August 2, 2024 - TWO BIRDS CAFE, this Saturday presents: The Yarmouth High School Jazz Combo from 6:00-8:00 pm. Jazz, Blues and Latin standards are on the venue, these talented artists perform and compete in festivals all around the state!
Presenting: Cole Rutberg, on drums, Eli Snow on bass guitar, Liam Hannah on piano, Finn Marianski on tenor sax, and Ozric Stewart on alto sax!!! Join us at the Two Birds Cafe for our Saturday Evening on the Deck, 5:30-9:00
Xo The Birds
Join us at the Ladies Aid Fair on Thursday August 8th from 11am to 1pm at the CIHCC.
We have lots of things to wear, lots of things to eat, and lots of things just because they’re fun.
The Mystery Theatre play that was scheduled for August 4th has been cancelled.
July 31, 2024 - CIYC will be holding the ROUND ISLAND RACE on Saturday August 3 at 1pm (rain date August 4). It's a great island tradition and is open to sailboats of all sizes.
Do you want to give racing a try, but need someone to crew?
Are you willing to crew on someone else's boat?
Email Rich Hubbell (hubbell.rich@gmail.com) and he'll try to coordinate. More information is on our website - Round Island Race
The Recreation Center's big event Come Together on the Field is happening this Saturday, August 3rd, 5-8 pm on Volunteer Field. There will be great food, music, lawn games, raffle items, auction items, dancing and more! Come join us and reserve your ticket today at www.chebeaguerecreation.org.
POETRY FOR THE PEOPLE, this Saturday 8/3 at 3pm. Each month on the first Saturday, the Chebeague Island Library hosts an open-mic style poetry event. You are invited to come read a poem or lyrics you love by those who are famous or obscure OR something you’ve written. Maybe you want to come and just listen. All ages, all experience levels are welcome! Flyer attached. FMI contact Corie at the Library at 846-4531 or Erika at 749-8022.
Good morning, Chebeague! Our order OTTO Pizza window is open now until today at noon! We look forward to seeing you all on the Stone Wharf at about 4:15PM tomorrow. A $4 Island delivery fee is included on each order. Gratuity is not automatically included. Please consider your delivery person and the kitchen staff! All pizzas are delivered par baked unless you request full baked. SUMMER SPECIALSStreet Corn Pizza: Fire Roasted Corn & Jalapenos with Chili-Lime Onions, Chipotle Cream, Mozzarella and Cojita Cheese. Southwest Salad: Lettuce, Corn & Black Bean Salsa, Tomatoes, Red Onions, Cojota Cheese. Servied with House Made Honey Chipotle Dressing. Click here to place your order! (if you would like your pizza fully baked you must add that instruction when selecting the pizza, not at checkout)
July 29, 2024 - MacBeth To Make Way for Ducklings, Sunday, August 4 at 4:00 p.m. at the Chebeague Community Church. For the third year in a row, the young, very creative and very talented members of the Halcyon String Quartet will enchant Chebeague Children of All Ages with a musical depiction of a beloved Robert McCloskey classic. This time they'll relate the delightful and sometimes perilous adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Mallard who raise their brood of eight ducklings on an island in the Boston Public Garden. As usual, each family in attendance will receive a copy of Mr. McCloskey's charming book. And, don't forget the special Children's Story Hour at the Chebeague Island Library on Tuesday, July 30 at 10:30 a.m.
Questions? Contact Jill Whitman Marsee (jill.marsee@gmail. com.).
The Chebeague Island Council is happy to announce a new provider at the Wellness Center. Dr Sergey Terrio, from Alchemy Chiropractic, will start seeing patients on Friday August 2nd from 9-11:30AM. Dr. Terrio says adults, kids, and families are all welcome to come by and get their aches, pains, and any ailments fixed. No appointment needed. $50 per person cash/venmo. Visit alchemychiropractic.com for more information on Dr. Terrio and his practice
Ralph Munroe was on the WGAN radio talking about the Tunnel to Tower program in Portland and the 5k walk run that is happening . Click here to hear Ralph talk about this organization and how he got inspired.
.Click here to see photos by Cathy MacNeill of the 4th of July Parade.
After July 31st dogs will be allowed back at the Hook. The feeling is that even if the plovers are still here they should be able to fly enough to escape. Dogs should be on leashes or under voice control, per the island's dog policy. Now is the time of year where thousands of migrant plovers and sandpipers are coming to the Hook to eat and get strong enough to fly thousands of miles south so please don't let your dogs chase them around the flats!
July 28, 2024 - photo - taken at sunset July 28th by Roxanne Mailioux.
For those who missed the wonderful Chebeague Children's Theatre production of Mermaid Junior or if you want to see it again - click here! It was a wonderful presentation with lots of stars!
School House Seconds is open on Tuesday, July 30. Stop by from 9-noon and 7-8pm. Enjoy the “Shop ‘Til You Drop BOGO Surprise Sales” on Tuesday. Reminder: Last day donations are accepted is July 31.
July 25, 2024 - Commons’ Bay Mist Cruise is this Sunday! Here’s the itinerary and a peek at our great raffles… There are a few tickets available.
Back in April, Thomas Bennett did a lecture for the Chebeague Historical Society program on "Subterranean Ancient Clues: Activities in Casco Bay Archaeology, 2022-24" Click here if you would like to see this wonderful presentation again or for the first time. It will be added to the CIHS website soon as well.
REMINDER that the Chebeague/Cliff Island Group of ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will continue to meet through the month of August, on Wednesdays at 8 a.m. at the CI Library. FMI call or text 207-210-1714.
Yesterday on Boston's Chronicles show, Long and Chebeague were highlighted - click here to see.
House Tour Tickets are now on sale at the Museum. You can drop by Tues-Sat 10-4 or Sun 1-4 to purchase or give us a call. We can take your credit card order over the phone and hold your ticket until the morning of the tour. Please leave a message if we are busy and we will call you back. House Tour is August 13th 10:30-4:30.
Explore and experience nature through the eyes of Second Wind Farm’s Forest Fairy!
Children and their caregivers are invited to join her and Farmer Chuck for this farm-based educational program with a focus on early literacy. Share stories and crafts (fairy houses and more) in her enchanted woodland dwelling. Every Saturday from 11-12. Ages 3-5 (others considered) $10/per session/child. Farm Fairy is also available for private/special sessions or parties—for stories and crafts! Sign up at www.chebeaguefarm.com or email esmecole6@gmail.com or text (207) 712 4021
Thanks and see you there!” click here for flyer!
The Island Council has COVID tests available. Please call Sarah at (207) 329-6538 for porch delivery.
July 23, 2024 - Get Out! Nature Walk: Shorebirds & Sea Level Rise - WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 2024 - 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM INDIAN POINT - CHEBEAGUE ISLAND, ME - Click here for details
A reception in memory of Beth Howe will be held at Barbara Marks at 12:30 on Thursday July 25. Beth was very active in Town committees and non profits such as the Council, CICA, Ladies Aid and the Historical Society. She was a founder of Chedemption and the MacBeth concert series among many other community contributions such affordable housing initiatives. Her husband Mac will be here and looks forward to seeing old friends.
The Recompense Fund is delighted to invite everyone to the 2024 Celebration Event recognizing and applauding all Chebeague nonprofits on Monday, August 5, at 5:00 P.M. at the Recreation Center Tennis Court. This is an opportunity for islanders to learn about all the nonprofits as they share their recent accomplishments, future goals, hopes and dreams. The sustainability of the year-round community is dependent on their successes. Recompense especially wants to thank the community and you for your generosity. So far this year The Recompense Fund has awarded $66,000 in grants.
July 22, 2024 - photo - taken by Krista of the three plover chicks with a Baird's Sandpiper. Click here to see her photo of the Baird's Sandpiper which is a rarity in this area. Click here to see the letter Krista reccived back from Ebird confirming the siting.
TONIGHT Kim Hamilton, President, Island Institute - Long Time Partnership Island Institute and Chebeague Island https://www.islandinstitute.org/community-profiles/chebeague-island/
Monday, July 22, 2024 @7pm, in person, at the Island Hall
(No Zoom coverage. Lecture will be recorded and posted on the CIHS website.)
Chebeague Children's Theater Performances are this weekend! July 26th (7pm) and July 27th (5pm) at the Hall. Come see The Little Mermaid! Tickets are $10 per adult. Kids are free.
The Rec's big fundraiser, Come Together on the Field, is only two weeks away: August 3rd 5-8pm! There will be food, games, raffle prizes, auction items, live music and Jonny Miller mixing it up! Buy your tickets or a table on our website today: www.chebeaguerec.org!
Kids' Place Early Childhood Education Center is looking for a part-time teacher to work in the mornings starting mid-August. We have a wonderful team in place and we're looking to add another member! $20 per hour and up, depending on experience. Email chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com with your resume or call 207-846-5068.
The Pool is offering swim lessons every day per week and the second session starts this week. Private lessons are also available. Sign up for swim lessons today!
THE FEW will be playing at THE SLOW BELL on Saturday July 27th from 8-11pm.
Please Save the Date July 27th 2pm. Please join us at the library next Saturday, July 27th at 2pm for a special poetry event. The Chebeague Island Library welcomes you to join us as we host a unique reading by Wesley McNair, former Maine Poet Laureate and dear friend of Chebeague to honor and remember Deb Bowman. Contact Library Director, Corie at 846-4351 - see flyer.
Katie Urich & Sam Chandler will be performing at the Two Birds Cafe on Saturday, August 24th from 6pm-8pm. Hope to see you there! See flyer!
July 20, 2024 - The transfer station will close today, July 20, at 3:45 for a burial in the cemetery. The equipment in the transfer station is noisy and is distracting during a service. Thank you for your kind consideration for the family and friends of the deceased.
Today is the CTC Annual Meeting at 9am at the Hall.
July 19, 2024 -
TWO BIRDS CAFE - Cafe is open Thursday - Sunday 10:00 - 3:00. Just a reminder that we will NOT have our Saturday Evening on the deck. We will resume this fun evening next weekend.
Xo, The Birds
From Jen Belesca : I asked and you all stepped up BIG TIME!!! Last Sunday I participated in the 17th Annual Tri For A Cure. (Click here for photos with the top finishers) And thanks to your generous donations, together we raised to date over $17,000 for the Maine Cancer Foundation! The event brought in a record breaking $2,155,396 all going to MCF who is dedicated to reducing cancer incidence and mortality rates in Maine. 100% of the funds we raise are invested back into our communities to benefit the people of Maine. How awesome is that? It was a fantastic day and I was surrounded by beautiful strong women and the most supportive and loving family and friends. The heat was a factor but I just kept telling myself, I've done harder things. THANK YOU! with love & appreciation, ~Jen https://mainecancer.donordrive.com/participant/37062
July 18, 2024 - Shop School House Seconds on Saturday, July 20. Open 9-noon. Psssst…did you hear about the sale?!?! Any item that starts with P or S is BOGO; buy one, get one free. Your purchases support programs funded by the Island Council. Reminder: Last day donations are accepted is July 31.
Next Up for the MacBeth: The Sebago-Long Lake Festival Returns on July 25 with Eclectic Music and a Special Remembrance. Last summer’s Sebago-Long Lake concert was absolutely spellbinding. Next week’s performance promises to be equally thrilling. Robert Schumann’s Piano Quartet in E-Flat Major has been called a quintessentially Romantic work (and we know how exhilarating that can be). Anton Arensky, another Romantic, composed the “appealing lyrical” String Quartet No. 2 in A Minor as an homage to his mentor Peter Illyich Tchaikovsky. Lukas Foss’ Three American Pieces is replete with strains of folk music, blues and ragtime. An eclectic program, indeed. The MacBeth leadership is pleased that this special concert will be part of a celebration of the life of Beth Howe, one of the series’ co-founders, who passed away in May. Please join us on Thursday, July 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the Chebeague Community Church to honor Beth and to revel in the music.
July 17, 2024 - Selectboard Meeting tonight at the Hall 6pm with an Executive session at 5:30 - click here for agenda and packet.
Come Together on the Field - the Annual BBQ for the CRC is Saturday August 3rd-encouraged to support the rec and buy tables under the tent for $800 or single tickets for seating at other tables for $50 (same as last year) - click here for the flyer!
Get Out! Nature Walk - Wed. 7/24, 8 - 9:30 AM: Join CCLT, the Chebeague Climate Action Team, and island naturalists at Indian Point to learn about shorebirds, sea level rise, and erosion impacts. Refreshments will be served!
The Yacht Club is having a power lunch for members on July 23 - still not a member of CIYC? Join today on our website. For more info about the lunch email kim@venkataraman.net. Click here to learn more and see race results.
The Great Chebeague Golf Club is still looking for an Assistant Turf Manager - please check out their add and apply!
July 15, 2024 - photo - taken by Krista of the three plover chicks with a Baird's Sandpiper. Click here to see her photo of the Baird's Sandpiper which is a rarity in this area. Click here to see the letter Krista reccived back from Ebird confirming the siting.
TUESDAY JULY 16 @ 10:30 AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOTICE: Come to the Hall on Tuesday, July 16 at 7:00 pm to learn about the upcoming inauguration of high speed Broadband Internet service on Chebeague. Mark Ouellette of Axiom Technologies will answer all the questions you might have about the new technology with the first installations just around the corner.
Reminder there will be Celebration of Life for Ron Formisano at the Hall. 1-3 pm on Sunday August 4th.
CIHS House Tour: Tickets are now on sale for the 2024 House Tour on August 13th 10:30-4:30. Tickets may be purchased at the Museum. Advance tickets $35.00, tickets $40.00 day of the event.
MacBeth Season Opens In Spectacular Fashion. Chebeague favorite Paul English outdid himself over the weekend with two "marvelous" and "fabulous" concerts--a sublime blending of jazz and classical on Saturday evening and, on Sunday morning, a sometimes rollicking celebration of the spiritual side of jazz icon Louis Armstrong. Click here to see some photos of Sunday's ten musicians and the 16 member Chebeague Community Summer choir.
Next on the MacBeth schedule: a special performance by the Sebago-Long Lake Music Festival, whuch will help celebrate the life of Beth Howe, one of the series' co-founders. Date: Thursday, July 25. Time: 6:30 p.m.. Location: Chebeague Community Church.
July 14, 2024 - Chebeague Island Historical Society - Ellsworth Miller Memorial Lecture Series presents
Kim Hamilton, President, Island Institute - Long Time Partnership Island Institute and Chebeague Island https://www.islandinstitute.org/community-profiles/chebeague-island/
Monday, July 22, 2024 @7pm, in person, at the Island Hall
(No Zoom coverage. Lecture will be recorded and posted on the CIHS website.)
TODAY: Community Hall for a pancake breakfast. This will consist of pancakes, real maple syrup!! bacon, sausage, OJ and coffee. The cost for the breakfast is $10 per person, $5 per kid and children under 5 eat for free! They hope to serve about 100 people. All of the monies raised from the pancake breakfast will go to the Chebeague Island Council Fuel Assistance fund. Breakfast will run from 9a-11a
Shop School House Seconds on Tuesday, July 16. Open 9-noon and 7-8pm. Psssst…did you hear about the sale?!?! Any item that starts with P or S is BOGO; buy one, get one free. Your purchases support programs funded by the Island Council. Note: Last day donations are accepted is July 31.
July 13, 2024 - photo - taken from the 6:30 CTC boat 07/13/24 by Vika Wood of a double rainbow over Chebeague. Click here for another. Click here for a photo by Eric Ross from the 4th Tee around 4pm.
Mac Passano invites the Chebeague community to a memorial reception for Beth Howe on July 25th at 12:30
at Barbara Marks’ house, 9 Ruel Rd. Beth was a wonderful contributor to many island organizations.
July 12, 2024 - TWO BIRDS CAFE : Two Birds has new hours: Thursday - Sunday 10:00 - 3:00 with the addition of Saturday Evening Hours from 5:30 - 9:00pm. Join us on the deck for tapas, charcuterie boards, sweets, a nice assortment of wines and beer and lawn games! Soon we will also be adding Friday Evening Hours, we will keep you posted, here and on Facebook ! Please email 2birdscafe412@gmail.com with any questions. Xo The Birds
There’s a new puppy at the Second Wind Farm! She’s a Collie, just like Gertie, who retired from the farm last year. Gertie stays home these days. Chuck has named the puppy Willa. She is just 8 weeks old. She’s been at Farm Camp for 2 days and loves being with the farm kids.
July 11, 2024 - Yard Sale, Sunday from 1-3, to benefit Island Commons. Location: Flag Avenue (off Fenderson Road). Please park on South Road. The family of Judy Doughty is donating the proceeds of this sale to the Commons, where Judy worked for many years. Come, shop and make an offer. All for a good cause!
Friday night, July 12, MOVIE on the ballfield, starts at 8:45p. We will be watching the Disney/Pixar movie "Soul". Please bring chairs and blankets - CLICK HERE FOR FLYER!
The CRC will have popcorn and drinks for sale.
Pizza from Pats Pizza will be for sale for $20. Cheese, Cheese & Pepperoni, Cheese & Mushroom. Call or text Rich to place an order @ 207-807-8727. All monies raised from pizza sales will go to the Chebeague Island School Department field trip fund.
Saturday, JULY 13there will be people playing ultimate frisbee all day long at the ballfield! Please come out and watch!! This same group are doing some wonderful programs for the island that you won't want to miss (Friday night movie and pizza and Sunday morning breakfast)!!
SUNDAY MORNING JULY 14TH has the ULTIMATE'S waking up and heading over to the Chebeague Island Community Hall for a pancake breakfast. This will consist of pancakes, real maple syrup!! bacon, sausage, OJ and coffee. The cost for the breakfast is $10 per person, $5 per kid and children under 5 eat for free! They hope to serve about 100 people. All of the monies raised from the pancake breakfast will go to the Chebeague Island Council Fuel Assistance fund. Breakfast will run from 9a-11a
July 10, 2024 - Message from the Chebeague Island School - two job openings: Looking for a kitchen manager/custodian full time position (posted on our website here) and a part time bus driver (also posted here).
From the CIHS: Hello All, please drop by to see our new exhibit, "The Evolution of the Chebeague Community" about Chebeague from indigenous people to the present day. Admission is free or a donation is welcome. Thanks to the community for the wonderful support, we are excited to see new and returning faces come through our door. Summer hours are Tuesdays through Saturdays 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Sundays 1-4:00 p.m., and Mondays closed. And remember: we are air conditioned! Hope to see you soon!
Don’t Miss The Boat - For TWO WEEKS ONLY you can purchase Sailing School and Yacht Club merchandise. Profits will support the Sailing School.
Items can only be purchased from JULY 10 - JULY 23.
Check out the selection and place your order here: https://chebeagueislandyachtclubstore.secure-decoration.com/
You do not need to be a member to purchase the merchandise! But why not join while you're at it!
July 9, 2024 - photo - by Jon Rich 07/09/24 - click here to see a closeup of the Wabanaki.
The Piping Plovers are really getting big and starting to test their wings - click here to see a photo by Stacy Cramp taken today.
Come to the Hall on Tuesday, July 16 at 7:00 pm to learn about the upcoming inauguration of high speed Broadband Internet service on Chebeague. Mark Ouellette of Axiom Technologies will answer all the questions you might have about the new technology with the first installations just around the corner.
Chebeague Island Yacht Club has its first sailboat race on Saturday, July 13! There will be three races this summer -
Ocean Race - Saturday July 13 1:00 PM
Round Island Race - Saturday August 3 1:00 PM
Picnic Race from Bates Island - Saturday August 17 1:30 PM
Learn more at chebeagueyachtclub.com or contact Rich Hubbell (hubbell.rich@gmail.com)
Pop Up - Americana Music at the Historical Society - Sunday, July 14, 2024 from 5pm to 6:30pm..Come join us for some American Fold Songs - Dana Bourgeois, Melissa Doughty, Stephen Todd, Dylan Doughty, Josh Doughty, Herb Maine, Chip Emery, John Wilson, John Layng, John Howard, Jocelyn Miller and other voices. Special Guest Rich Stallman playing banjo. Bring a chair and sing along with favorite folk songs. Click here for more details.
July 8, 2024 - Find Old School Cool at School House Seconds. Open Tuesday, July 9, 9-noon and 7-8pm.This week’s sale is the famous Open and Shut sale. If the item can open and shut, buy it and get the 2nd one free. It’s a BOGO!
Ossipee Garage Doors will be out on the Island to do some repair work after July 7th for a few days. We can offer preventative maintenance for $75 a door. This includes lubricating springs, rollers, hinges. We will have some rollers, hinges and other small items on the truck. If you have larger repair needs we can provide an inspection of the door to determine what needs to be completed for repairs and provide an estimate. We also work on operators and can provide quotes for installing or repairing those if needed. Please reach out to Brie at 207-572-5428 or visit this link https://clienthub.getjobber.com/client_hubs/c9d78d3a-49d6-43ed-89f4-c18d5a5dfde4/login/new?source=share_login to request service while we are on the island. Once we have exact dates I will reach out and get an official schedule together.
MacBeth to Kick-Off Its 2024 Season with a Thrilling and Inspiring Double Feature. On Saturday, July 13 at 7:00 p.m., Chebeague favorite Paul English will return for a unique evening that will INTERTWINE jazz and classical music—a straightforward jazz quartet and a trio of string players grooving on Paul’s galvanizing arrangements. Featured will be Horace Alexander Young, one of Paul’s long-time collaborators who has spent his career jamming with luminaries from the disparate worlds of jazz, pop and rhythm and blues. On Sunday morning, July 14 at 10:00 a.m., the MacBeth Concert Series and the Chebeague Community Church will jointly sponsor “Satchmo on Sunday: The Spiritual Side of Louis Armstrong.” Armstrong is widely-known as a pioneer of early jazz and, later, as a habitue of the pop charts. We will joyfully discover during this special service that there also was a deep spirituality to his music. Prepare to be awed and moved as a Paul English-led orchestra and choir perform such songs as “What a Wonderful World,” “Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen” and “On My Way.” Both the Saturday evening and Sunday morning services will be held at the Chebeague Community Church. Questions? Adele Gorody (adele@gorody.com).
This coming Sunday, on July 14th, Jen Belesca is participating in the 17th annual Tri for a Cure. She currently is in the top10 for fundraising with over 1100 women racing! She will be swimming, biking, and running to raise money for Maine Cancer Foundation. Please check out her page and support her efforts.
July 6, 2024 - The Chebeague Climate Action Team (CCAT) would like to understand how island households use energy and what types of energy-related projects the community is interested in. This information will help guide us as we explore opportunities for improving energy efficiency and sustainable energy use on the island. If you have not already done so, please fill out this anonymous survey by July 7th. It should take about 5 minutes to complete.
From the Historical Society: Visit our new exhibit, "The Evolution of the Chebeague Community" about the island from indigenous people to the present day. Admission is free or a donation. Thanks to the community for the wonderful words of support, we are excited to see new and returning faces come through our door. Summer hours are Tuesdays through Saturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sundays 1-4:00 p.m., and Mondays closed. Hope to see you soon!
TODAY: POETRY FOR THE PEOPLE at the Library on Saturday, July 6 at 3pm. Open mic style. Everyone welcome. Read a poem, lyrics or piece you love by someone else OR your own work. We will listen. ?? Poetry For The People Flyer attached
July 5, 2024 - Thanks to all who came out to celebrate and participate in the 44th Annual 4th of July Fun Run & Road Race! We had 61 people participate in the Road Race and 36 people in the Fun Run, and raised over $1,200 to support youth, adult & family programming at the Rec Center!
A very special thank you to all of the volunteers who made it possible to continue this special 4th of July tradition: Anne Brenton, Chebeague Fire & Rescue (Eliza Jane Adams & Steve Auffant), Barry Fitzsimmons, Karen Greenleaf, Jenny Hackel, Jeanine Lutz, Gavin McCarthy, Erika Neumann, Eva Neumann (& friends!), Mary Anne & Rick Shube, and Beth & Gerry Wiles. A big thank you also to CRC staff Caitlin Whetham & Bill McKenzie for all of their work behind the scenes.
Linked here are the time results of the 4.6 mile Road Race and the list of Top Finishers in both races. Congratulations again to our 97 runners! photo - by Barry Fitxsimmons Fourth of July start of the FUN RUN - click here for the start of the ROAD RACE.
NOTICE - The Ultimate movie, play and breakfast are next weekend July 12th - 14th - so sorry for the confusion!
Special Saturday Opening Tomorrow, July 6 at School House Seconds! Special open hours; 10-noon. Bring your friends along to continue celebrating the 4th! Buy 2 items; Red, White or Blue, and get a 3rd free! Thank you for shopping with us. Your purchases support community projects funded by the Island Council.
The Arts & Craft Fair will be this coming Saturday, July 6th from 10 to 1 at the Hall and there will be a raffle!!
Contra Dance at the Rec Center Gym, Saturday July 6 at 6:30-8:30. Cost- $20 suggested donation pp to cover band expenses.
From the Island Council... Thank you, Bev Johnson, for leading us off today as Parade Marshal! (click here to learn about the 1980 team and torch run)
Thanks to judges Sephie Bennett, Victor Diaz, Gail Jenkins, and bailiff Bill Hopkins.
The floats, golf carts, clowns, emergency vehicles, and spectators were fantastic. Thank you all!!!
Float 1st place: The Grunko's Mamma Mia
Float 2nd place: Ultimate Ross Lobster Toss
Best Cart: Dyl's Carts' Olympic Sailing Team
Best Bike: Shark from "We're gonna need a bigger boat"
See you next year!
With deep sadness we would like to inform the community that our favorite delivery supervisor Bulleit has passed after a quick battle. Thank you for your support and understanding he will be greatly missed.
July 4, 2024 - photo - by Barry Fitxsimmons Fourth of July start of the FUN RUN - click here for the start of the ROAD RACE.
NOTE CORRECTION - fun run at 8am and 4.6 race at 9 am - TODAY The 44th Annual Fourth of July ROAD RACE & FUN RUN
NEW THIS YEAR: The races will start and finish at the Rec Center. Click here to see the new route for the full 4.6 mile road race. Pre-registration fees are $5 for the Fun Run ($15 on race day) and $15 for the Road Race ($25 on race day). Race day registration 7-7:30AM for the Fun Run & 8-8:30AM for the Road Race. Finisher medals for all Fun Run participants, and age-based awards for the Road Race.
July 3, 2024 - 4TH OF JULY PARADE!! The theme of the 4th of July parade is The OLYMPICS... Chebeague Style.
Muster at the Inn at 11:00 am, parade starts at 11:30 am.
POETRY at the Library on Saturday, July 6 at 3pm. Open mic style. Everyone welcome. Read a poem, lyrics or piece you love by someone else OR your own work. We will listen. ?? Poetry For The People Flyer attached.
NOTICE - JULY 12TH Friday night MOVIE on the ballfield, starts at 8:45p. We will be watching the Disney/Pixar movie "Soul". Please bring chairs and blankets - CLICK HERE FOR FLYER!
The CRC will have popcorn and drinks for sale.
Pizza from Pats Pizza will be for sale for $20. Cheese, Cheese & Pepperoni, Cheese & Mushroom. Call or text Rich to place an order @ 207-807-8727. All monies raised from pizza sales will go to the Chebeague Island School Department field trip fund.
JULY 13 Saturday there will be people playing ultimate frisbee all day long at the ballfield! Please come out and watch!! This same group are doing some wonderful programs for the island that you won't want to miss (Friday night movie and pizza and Sunday morning breakfast)!!
JULY 14TH SUNDAY MORNING has the ULTIMATE'S waking up and heading over to the Chebeague Island Community Hall for a pancake breakfast. This will consist of pancakes, real maple syrup!! bacon, sausage, OJ and coffee. The cost for the breakfast is $10 per person, $5 per kid and children under 5 eat for free! They hope to serve about 100 people. All of the monies raised from the pancake breakfast will go to the Chebeague Island Council Fuel Assistance fund. Breakfast will run from 9a-11a
Back by popular demand - Contra Dance at the Rec Center Gym, Saturday July 6 at 6:30-8:30. Cost- $20 suggested donation pp to cover band expenses.
Refreshments and lemonade are free!
What is a contra dance? A contra dance is an old time folk dance like the Virgina Reel that starts with a line of people standing across from each other (hence the name “contra”) and each person swings, doh-see-dohs, or whatever step announced with a person across or next to them to create a pattern of movement - sometimes with a line of dancers stepping under an archway made by the couple at the top of line before they move to the back. It is so much fun. The caller will teach all the steps for each dances so no experience is necessary. Wear easy to dance in shoes such as sneakers. Here is the flyer:
July 2, 2024 -Click here for Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust summer news!!
I have just added the Whalers Concert to my youtube chanell - click here to see the whole show - quality of the video is not as good as it should be I think but I was able to get it to work.
Great Kudos to CICA and Kids Place volunteers for their fantastic handling of the first two weeks of chedemption! The trailer was practically full of returnables.
The Island Council will cover the 4th of July week followed in the next weeks by the other non profits.
Please contact someone at your favorite organization and offer to take a time slot. The amount of waste removed from the island wastestream is quite amazing!
Many Thanks
?The Baggettes
TONIGHT: CLIMATE ACTION TEAM MEETING VIA ZOOM - Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Click here for agenda.
TONIGHT: FACILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING -Tuesday, July 2 at 6pm in the Ross Room at the Firehouse.
TOMORROW: SELECTBOARD MEETING - Wednesday, July 3, 6pm at the Hall and youtube - click here for agenda and packet.
Town office and transfer station are closed on Thursday and Friday for the 4th of July!
July 1, 2024 -
Tuesday. July 23, 2024, from 10:30-1:30 at GMRI, Commercial Street, Portland, Maine
---Join this in person gathering of Casco Bay Islands residents as we delve into the pressing issue of bluff erosion on islands. Discover the implications of future sea level rise and explore green/gray mitigation techniques aimed at ensuring shoreline stability. Learn more about DEP's OUR SHORE program, designed to address the sustainability of our changing coastlines and habitats. The keynote speaker is Peter Slovinsky from the Maine Geological Survey. Joining Peter will be local engineers and experts discussing erosion mitigation strategies, costs, and design. The symposium is free to the public; however, attendees must register here Bluff Erosion Meeting Registration. Space is limited.
The 17th Annual Tri For A Cure is July 14th! Please support the fight against cancer by checking out Jen Belesca's fundraising page to make a donation! https://mainecancer.donordrive.com/participant/37062
June 30, 2024 - (I am sorry that this cuts out at Barry's poetry and I am working on getting another file for you to see the whole show) For those who missed the spectacular Whaler Musical Map of Chebeague last night or want to see it again - please click here!! Only goes as far as Barry's reading so I have put the whole show on youtube - click here.
School House Seconds helps you precelebrate the 4th of July with the fun of discovering hidden gems. Open Tuesday, June 2, 9-noon and 7-8pm. buy 2 items; Red, White or Blue, and get a 3rd R, W, or B item free!!! There's always a surprise at SHS! Your purchases support community projects funded by the Iisland Council.
The Arts & Craft Fair will be this coming Saturday, July 6th from 10 to 1 at the Hall and there will be a raffle!!
TODAY - Message from the Rec: The POOL is opening today at noon!!! Sunday, June 30th.
June 29, 2024 - Starting on Tuesday July 2 at 10 am, the exciting new exhibit at the Chebeague Island Historical Society Museum will open to the public. The exhibit is titled "Creating a Sense of Place: The Evolution of the Chebeague Community."
CIHS Members: Please join us Monday, July 1st, museum members are invited to preview the opening exhibit with a wine and cheese celebration from 4-6PM. Members are asked to RSVP to Kendra McKinnon, Membership Coordinator at kendra.mckinnon@yahoo.com.
WHALERS present: A MUSICAL MAP OF CHEBEAGUE. Date & Time: Saturday, June 29th at 7:00 PM - Adults: $10 Under 18s: Free
GCGC/GCTC Kick-off Event Tonight's event is postponed.
Join us for an unforgettable evening of music and community spirit. The Whalers are back with their enchanting melodies, bringing together friends and neighbors for a night of pure entertainment.
Date & Time: Saturday, June 29th at 7:00 PM
Location: Chebeague Community Church
Ticket Information:
Adults: $10
Under 18s: Free
Don't miss out on this special event where memories and music blend harmoniously. Mark your calendars and we'll see you there!
Summer pick-up kid baseball!
Adam Rothschild will be running weekly kid pickup baseball this summer on Sunday afternoons. Click here for details!
8-12 year-olds
Sundays 4:30-6:30 at Volunteer Field (next to school / rec center)
First session Sunday, July 7; last session Sunday, August 11 (6 sessions)
All kids 8-12 welcome.
Bring glove, bat and batting helmet.
Adult / teenager helpers welcome and wanted!
Contact Adam Rothschild 650-823-3139 by voice or text with any questions.
Horseshoe crabs around the island but not as much as we used to see them. A few have been seen lately and they are in danger of extinction. Click here to learn more and please talk to your children about how precious they are. If you se e one upside down you can gently turn them over from the sides but not by the tail.
June 26, 2024 - photo - 6/26/24 - Krista took this photo of one of the Plover Chicks - click here to see a photo of one of the other chicks - amazing! They are growing up fast! See PLOVERS above to learn about them.
Tonight - Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM
---- Join the Chebeague Climate Action Team and Chebeague Fire and Rescue to ignite wildfire awareness!
Come learn about wildfire risk and prevention on Maine islands from Maine Forest Ranger Specialist Kent Nelson and former ranger Matt Gomes.
Topics include how the Maine Forest Service tackles wildfire risk, risk mitigation funding opportunities, and more.
Don't miss TONIGHT'S Dessert and Discussion at 7 pm at Chebeague Recreation Center. Come learn about getting support for your personal fitness and healthy eating plan. Try a "cocktail", taste some plant-based desserts, and find out how to access a wide variety of online resources. Join the Fitness Friends program and challenge yourself to earn points toward prizes and the Wellness Bingo Game!
June 24, 2024 - Tuesday, June 25 The School House Seconds VERY Grand Opening Celebration continues! Open Tuesday, June 25, 9-noon and 7-8pm to celebrate our new look. See us to Refresh your Dress, Kitch your Kitchen or Flatter your Feet. And, happily, your purchases support Island Council programs such as Fuel Assistance, Health Services and Chedemption.
The Junior Golf Clinic starts this Thursday,
June 27 at 3:00 pm at the club. Free to ages 6 up and a great place to learn a life- long game! Just show up and have fun!
Time is running out to purchase your Lobster roll for July 4th! Kids will be selling lobster rolls Saturday at Doughty Island Market from 11-12 - cash or check accepted. Also, you can purchase your lobster roll online here or email Courtney Doughty at doughtycb@gmail.com to place your order. $25 includes lobster roll, bag of chips, drink AND a dessert. The pick up time will be 12ish-1 ( right after the parade) at the Rec Center. Thank you in advance for supporting Kids' Place!
CIHS Members: Monday, July 1st museum members are invited to preview the opening exhibit with a wine and cheese celebration from 4-6PM. Members are asked to RSVP to Kendra McKinnon, Membership Coordinator at kendra.mckinnon@yahoo.com.
June 22, 2024 - photo - 6/22/24 - this spring a family of geese were born at the Golf Course pond - here they are with their friend who is guarding the area - NOT. Click here to see them on May 31st.
Message from the Chebeague Recreation Center:
The pool is closed this weekend. We hope to open Monday but not guaranteed. Check back for updates.
NO SWIMMING until the pool is open. This is for your own safety due to the chemicals we’re using to balance the pool.
Once we open, lap swim will be 8:00-11:30am and open swim will be noon-4:00, seven days per week.
Sailing School starts July 1! Don’t forget to register: https://chebeagueyachtclub.com/sailing-school – check out the new racing clinics while you're at it! And don’t miss out on the social get togethers and racing opportunities that come with Yacht Club membership! Our first kick off social is on June 27th. https://chebeagueyachtclub.com/
Also, a huge thank you to Adam Rothschild and Sally Madsen for their generous donation of 4 Opti sailboats for the Sailing School (shown en route to Chebeague click here). They, along with their kids, and Richard Hubbell and Jay Corson, were kind enough to spend a Saturday getting the boats to the Island on what was dubbed “the Opti Odyssey.” Thank you Rothschilds & Madsens and Team Opti!
June 21, 2024 - NOTICE: A Celebration of Life honoring Julia Devereux Glynn will be held at the Deer Pt. Rd. residence of her sister, Vail Traina tomorrow 6/22/24 at noon. All are welcome. Please do not park on Deer Pt. Road. Parking options include next door at 8 Bennett's Cove Road ( white cape with red door ) or at Jackie Trask's down the Bennett's Cove Road.
The good and bad about tonight's Solstice & Pool Party. I will get the bad out of the way first. We are having technical difficulties with pool chemicals which is keeping us from opening the pool right now. The good thing is, we are still going to have a Great Party with Mini Golf, Badminton, Corn Hole, and a great BBQ. We look forward to seeing everyone and enjoying a wonderful night of game's, food, and friends.
Also happening tomorrow - Pre-Teen kicks off 7-9pm followed by Teen Center Friday nights 7-10pm. This will continue every Thursday and Friday through the summer as long as we have staff!
Chebeague is the only island in Casco Bay now home to a family of endangered piping plovers. This means the Hook is now a dog-free zone until the chicks have a chance to grow wings and fly off. It's also important that people enjoy these birds from a distance. To help protect them on busy weekends and over the Fourth, our plover watch group is looking for additional volunteers who can serve occasional two-hour shifts on the beach. For more information, please contact Clare Ellis (clareelliswebb@gmail.com).
June 20, 2024 - NOTICE: The Pool Opening and Solstice Party scheduled for today is postponed until tomorrow from 5-7!
The 44th Annual Fourth of July ROAD RACE & FUN RUN will take place on Thursday, July 4th with a 8am start for the 1.1 mile Fun Run and 9am start for the 4.6 mile Road Race. DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER AHEAD!
NEW THIS YEAR: The races will start and finish at the Rec Center. Click here to see the new route for the full 4.6 mile road race. ALSO NEW THIS YEAR: An incentive to pre-register online! Help us reduce the long lines the morning of the race by pre-registering via this link. You will also save on race fees! Pre-registration fees are $5 for the Fun Run ($15 on race day) and $15 for the Road Race ($25 on race day). Pre-registered runners can pick up their bibs on July 3rd, 6-7pm at the Rec Center. Race day registration 7-7:30AM for the Fun Run & 8-8:30AM for the Road Race. Finisher medals for all Fun Run participants, and age-based awards for the Road Race.
We are still seeking 5 more volunteers! If you're able to help, we would LOVE to have you. For race info, email Bill at alaskamckenzie@gmail.com, and volunteer info, email Kate at kwemery20@gmail.com. Can't wait to see you there!
June 19, 2024 - Experience the nostalgia of Chebeague Island through songs with friends and neighbors on Saturday, June 29th at 7pm.
Come to the Whalers concert on Saturday June 29, 7 PM at the Chebeague Community Church. Adults are $10 and under 18s are free. Click here for flyer.
Junteenth - Town offices and transfer station closed today.
Selectperson meeting today at 5pm at the Hall - see agenda and packet.
June 17, 2024 - Reminder: School House Seconds opens for the season this Tuesday, June 18, 9-noon and 7-8pm. Our VERY grand opening features a bright, new look and of course, tempting treasures.
The Chebeague Climate Action Team (CCAT) would like to understand how island households use energy and what types of energy-related projects the community is interested in. This information will help guide us as we explore opportunities for improving energy efficiency and sustainable energy use on the island. Please fill out this anonymous survey by June 28th. It should take about 5 minutes to complete.
June 12, 2024 - photo - by Cheryl Stevens on June 12th.
Mark your Calendars! School House Seconds Announces
A VERY Grand Opening
Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 9-noon and 7-8pm
Come See our Bright, New Look with Tempting Treasures
Open Tuesdays: 9-noon and 7-8pm
Some Saturdays: July 6, July 20, August 24, 10-noon.
June 11, 2024 - Saturday, June 15, 2024, 7:00pm - CIHS Annual Meeting at the Island Hall - All are welcome! Presentation by Donna Miller Damon "40 Years of Chebeague Island Historical Society" Click here for flyer.
Yesterday, under the pickleball master Michael Hamilton, we were able to add another pickleball court to the rec and hopefully tonight there will be a fourth court. Click here to see the work
June 10, 2024 - The teen improv class will NOT be tomorrow Tuesday the 11th due to Election Day and will be on Wednesday the 12th instead. Thanks!
Time to purchase your Lobster roll for July 4th! This is a very important fundraiser for Kids' Place, our island daycare. You can purchase your lobster roll online here or email Courtney Doughty at doughtycb@gmail.com to place your order. $25 includes lobster roll, bag of chips, drink AND a dessert. The pick up time will be 12-1 (after the parade) at the Rec Center. Thank you in advance for your support!
A Thank You Note and a Request from School House Seconds: The donations to School House Seconds are amazing and appreciated. Thank you! A reminder, prior to donation we respetfully request items be cleaned and inspected for rips, stain, mouse droppings, etc. We can only sell clean, gently used items. Thank you for your help with this.
June 8, 2024 - Today - TOWN MEETING AT THE HALL - Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 9:00 AM - Click here for Warrant
4TH OF JULY PARADE!! Start planning your floats! The theme of the 4th of July parade is The OLYMPICS... Chebeague Style.
Muster at the Inn at 11:00 am, parade starts at 11:30 am.
June 6, 2024 - Message from the Chebeague Island Fire/Rescue: "Do you have family or friends visiting? Do you rent out your property? Let us find you or them faster by placing this (click here) 3" x 5" informational magnet in your home. This free magnet is available at the Town Hall or the Chebeague Library."
The Great Chebeague Golf Club is looking for an Assistant Turf Manager- click here to learn about the position for supporting the Golf Course Superintendent in all facets of golf course maintenance.
June 5, 2024 - SELECTBOARD MEETING- 5:30PM EXECUTIVE SESSION, 6:00PM TRANSFER STATION WORKSHOP WITH MEETING TO FOLLOW- Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 5:30 PM - see agenda and packet.
TOWN MEETING AT THE HALL - Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 9:00 AM - Click here for Warrant
PLANNING BOARD MEETING AT THE RECREATION CENTER- Monday, June 10, 2024 at 6:30 PM - see agenda
ELECTION DAY - Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 8:00 AMMay 31, 2024 - SAVE THE DATE - JUNE 1ST - 8:00 PM AT CHEBEAGUE COMMUNITY CHURCH - The MacBeth Concert Series and the Chebeague Community Church are honored to invite you to a special night of choral music composed by jazz icon Dave Brubeck. Date: Saturday, June 1. Time: 8:30 p.m. Place: Chebeague Community Church. The concert will be streamed live from Houston, Texas and will feature island favorite Paul English, the Brubeck Brothers Quartet, a Grammy-award winning chorus and a 20 piece orchestra. Questions? Contact Adele Gorody or Chaplain Victor Diaz. See Flyer.
Join the Chebeague Community Church for yard and garden cleanup and coffee tomorrow June 1st from 9am to 11am- see flyer! Bring your gloves and garden tools!!
Saturday is the June session of POETRY FOR THE PEOPLE @3pm at the Chebeague Island Library. Open mic to share some poetry or stories you love- published authors or your own
works. All are welcome! Come and we will LISTEN . See Flyer??
May 30, 2024 - photo - by Art Ryder taken May 30th
Come join us Saturday morning 6/1 at 9:00 am for a Tick Talk at the Hall! The Chebeague Island Council has invited experts to the island to report the latest news on tick-borne illnesses and prevention measures. There will be muffins and coffee.
Bounty of Art - Artist Co-op- Friday, May 31st,11am-2pm at 630 South Road, thereafter Saturdays and Sundays 11-2pm
Improv classes at the hall start next week-no experience needed! Drop in or sign up for a 6 week session. Text/call Katie at 207-272-9045 for more information. Click here for flyer.
There is lots going on at the Chebeague Recreation Center this spring! Please join us:
Bat House Making: All ages, June 6th 3-4:30, $20
Beginner Yoga with Hayley: Fridays, 12pm-1pm starting JUNE 7th
Learn to play Ultimate Frisbee: Older kids, June 27th
Pool Opening and Solstice Party: June 20th
There will be fitness classes provided five days per week in July, just check out our calendar and website for more information.
Summer camps start June 17th!
And don't forget our fun regular programs - Pickleball, Mahjong, and a special Dessert and Discussion "Healthy Aging is a Team Sport" on June 25th 7-8:30.
Be sure to check out our new website URL: www.chebeaguerecreation.com to sign up for the 4th of July road race and to buy your July 4th lobster rolls before they sell out!
Finally, don't miss our Contradance on Saturday, July 6th starting at 6:30.
The MacBeth Concert Series and the Chebeague Community Church are honored to invite you to a special night of choral music composed by jazz icon Dave Brubeck. Date: Saturday, June 1. Time: 8:30 p.m. Place: Chebeague Community Church. The concert will be streamed live from Houston, Texas and will feature island favorite Paul English, the Brubeck Brothers Quartet, a Grammy-award winning chorus and a 20 piece orchestra. Questions? Contact Adele Gorody or Chaplain Victor Diaz.
Click here for the CTC Newsletter. Click here for June Crew Assistance Schedule.
Today's Memorial Day Service honored Vietnam Era Veterans and the Historical Society put together a video of Chebeague Connections to that time - Click here to see.
Memorial Day weekend SOFTBALL GAME Sunday afternoon. Come have a hot dog at the ballpark at 4pm. ALL ARE WELCOME!
No Beginner Pickelabb on Mosday, Memorial Day.
Great News at the Hook - we now have 2 families of Piping Plovers. One of the pairs has already laid four eggs. Click here to learn more!!!
Thursday, May 23, 7:00 p.m. at Cumberland Town Hall or watch live at https://www.youtube.com/@townofcumberlandmaine8414. Join representatives of the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust, Cumberland Lands and Conservation Commission’s Sustainability Subcommittee, and the Chebeague Climate Action Team to learn about these groups’ climate action plans and progress, success stories, and collaborative projects that make our communities more resilient to climate change. The presenters will also discuss ways community members can join in these important efforts.
TWO BIRDS CAFÉ will be open this weekend, Friday - Sunday. 10 - 3. See you soon!
The Library's Pie and Bake Sale is coming up this Saturday! More information here.
Island Commons is bringing back the BAY MIST CRUISE fundraising event this year, in celebration our 25th Anniversary! Please join us, and consider becoming a sponsor of our event. Follow this link for information and ticketing: https://www.islandcommons.com/cruise. Thank you! Hope to see you on the Bay Mist July 28th
Once again, Island Electric is offering a (sort of) crisp 100 dollar bill to all Island High school Seniors, who can show me a Diploma, Certificate of Completion or GED...Call me before you arrive. Kim @ 846 2468... Also I still am sponsoring a scholarship (albeit small) for any Islander who goes into the trades, or attends a Trade School, Technical College or what ever they call them these days...
Saturday, May 25th at the Store- Concert at 2:30pm. FREE. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. Stone Soup and Friends featuring Josh Doughty. See Flyer.
May 21, 2024 - Wednesday, May 22nd - Joint presentation from the selectboard and the school board at the Hall - 6pm.
I will be away from Tuesday through Memorial day so if you have something to add to the website please contact drhill@chebeague.net.
May 20, 2024 - The tennis club will have Court 2 open for Memorial Day weekend! Become a member today and join us for the season kick-off event, men's and women's scrambles, social mixers, and ball machine clinics. Visit www.chebeaguetennis.com for more info and to sign up online - see you on the courts!
A case of very expensive WINE WENT MISSING from Chandlers Cove Wharf last Saturday, May 18. If you accidentally picked it up or you have information please contact Laura Summa -207 400-2024.
May 19, 2024 -CCLT is having another Horseshoe Crab Event!! - Click here to learn about this FREE adventure taking place at Broad Cove Reserve June 8th, 12:30 - 2:30 with a rain date of Sunday June 9, 1:15 - 3:15. Space is limited so please register.
If your child was lucky enough to be in Margaret Brown's CIS classroom, we have some exciting news! Margaret is retiring this year, and we’d love your help to make her farewell extra special. We're putting together a fun video with her former and current students sharing their favorite memories or well wishes. It can be anything that brings a smile! If you have any photos from that time, we'd love to include those too.
If you would like to contribute please email your videos and/or photos to Lauren Magnusun at lmagnuson@msad51.org by Friday, May 24th.
Thanks a bunch for helping us celebrate Margaret's amazing career!
May 17, 2024 - It’s that time of the year once again. Kevin from Carpet Services is coming out to Chebeague for two weeks starting on the 4th of June to take care of all you carpet, upholstery or tile and grout cleaning needs! Feel free to email carpetservicesme@gmail.com or call/ text 207-772-6225 to set up an appointment. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone again this trip!
Reminder from the Broadband Committee --
IF you want a fiber optic connection, and IF your power line comes to you underground, and IF you are not SURE that you have an open conduit, then you REALLY need to get hold of someone who can dig a trench and put in the conduit for you. The people who can do this will be busy this summer, and it will be hard to get the work done at the last minute! For full details about underground installations, please look at the Chebeague Island Broadband website.
The Chebeague School is looking for an Administrative Secretary - click here for the job description.
May 16, 2024 - Message from Two Birds: TWO BIRDS CAFÉ. This is our opening weekend, Yay! Come and enjoy a glass of wine or a cold beer on the deck! We are looking forward to seeing everyone……
Please join us for a Candidate's Night forum on Wednesday, May 29th at 7 pm at the Hall It is an opportunity for the Select Board candidates to introduce themselves and their thoughts on current issues facing the Town of Chebeague Island such as Stone Pier Improvements, Solid Waste management, Bennet's Cove, beach erosion, and remediation, to name a few.
May 15, 2024 - Want to learn “Bystander CPR?” The Thursday Dessert and Discussion this week at the CRC ( May 16) at 1pm is learning the most basic CPR and abdominal thrust Save a life - and eat cookies while learning. This class is for public safety - not for certification .
Selectperson Meeting and Executive Session Wednesday, May 15th starting at 5:30pm - click here.
May 14, 2024 - Tonight, Tuesday, a Zoom event Natural Solutios for Stabilizing Our Coastlines - 7 to 8:15 PM - click here for more information and to register (you have to register ahead). Learn about the role of nature-based coastal resilience solutions in combatting the effects of climate change in our communities. A representative of the Climate Ready Casco Bay project will talk about the process for developing a collaborative regional resilience plan to mitigate flood risks and manage erosion. This joint project facilitated by the Greater Portland Council of Governments and the Gulf of Maine Research Institute is focusing on 11 Casco Bay communities, including Chebeague Island and Cumberland. We'll also hear from an expert in ecological restoration and coastal stabilization projects about his extensive on-the-ground experience helping land trusts, conservation commissions, and private landowners through his business Wilkinson Ecological Design.
Today at the Hall at 6pm: A public hearing will be held between the MaineDOT and Island Residents to discuss proposed improvements to the Chebeague Island Wharf Ferry Terminal. The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday May 14th at 6:00 p.m. to be held at Island Hall located on Chebeague Island. MaineDOT’s Consultant will present the proposed improvements and take any comments and questions. For any questions, please email brian.keezer@maine.gov or call (207) 462-0697
The TRANSFER STATION will remain closed Wednesday 5/5 and Thursday 5/16. All containers are full. We apologize for the inconvenience.
ISLAND COMMONS will be emailing a survey this week. We are hoping for broad participation to hear many opinions as we chart the future of Island Commons. There will be paper copies at the library for anyone who prefers. The electronic survey takes less than 15 minutes to complete. Please check your email and share your opinions with us! All responses are completely confidential. Thank you!
May 13, 2024 - TWO BIRDS CAFÉ - The Cafe will be open this Friday, Saturday & Sunday (May 17, 18,19) from 10 -3. We will open fully in June. See you soon!!
Planning Board Meeting - TODAY May 13, 6:30 at the Rec Center.
Broadband Meeting by Zoom at 5:00PM- Monday, May 13, 2024 at 5:00 PM - Click here to learn more an see photos of work at Town Office that was done last week.
Selectperson Meeting and Executive Session Wednesday, May 15th starting at 5:30pm - click here.
Facilities Committee Meeting via Zoom- Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Click here to hear the LOONS down at Central Landing recorded on May 4th `1 q;p-by Cheryl Stevens!! Click here for distinct reasons. Click here to find out what they might mean.
May 7, 2024 - Mother’s Day Brunch will be Sunday May 12 from 10am-12 noon at the Rec Center Community Room. If you are going to church, please come afterward as the after church coffee hour and we will be sure to have fresh brunch offerings starting at 11 am! Suggested donation is $15 for adults and $5 for children <12. Click here for flyer.
Come Join the Chebeague Island Yacht Club and Sailing School this summer for Sailing School and for the various social and racing opportunities that the Yacht Club provides.
---Sailing School signups are underway! There will be three sessions running from July 1 to August 9. Learn more and sign up here: https://cicss.corsizio.com/. All children are eligible for confidential partial and full scholarships - please reach out to Kim (kim@venkataraman.net, 617-699-9124) if this is of interest.
----And NEW THIS SUMMER for sailing school participants, we will hold racing clinics on 4 dates throughout the summer. (7/7, 7/20. 7/27, & 8/4). This is an excellent opportunity to learn racing techniques from Sally Madsen—a former captain of the Stanford sailing team and an active racer on Chebeague. Space is limited, so sign up with the above link today!
---The Chebeague Island Yacht Club offers events and fun to all boaters and non-boaters, and we hope you'll join us! Your membership supports the ongoing operations of the Sailing School - learn more at chebeagueyachtclub.com.
May 6, 2024 - MEMORIAL DAY CELEBRATION: This year we plan to honor veterans who served in the military during the Vietnam Era. We want to be inclusive so if you, a family member, or a friend, who is in some way connected to Chebeague, served in Vietnam or in the military during the years 1965-1975, please email the CIHS at chebeaguehistory@gmail.com. If you have a service photo we’d love to add it to the program. You can attach an image or we can scan. The deadline to include vets in the 2024 service is this Friday, May 10- the slide show movie will be put together this Saturday. (Memorial Day is May 27th at 1pm)
Got Stress? The Chebeague Island Fire Department is holding an ASAP (Acute Stress Adaptive Protocol) on Wednesday, May 8 at the Rec Center from 7-8 pm. This effective program is based on EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) principles. Please register by email: blputnam22@gmail.com. We hope to offer these opportunities monthly or one-on-one as requested.
---Members of the Chebeague Island Fire and Rescue Department were recently trained in this method to heal stress and process trauma. Acute Stress Adaptive Protocol (ASAP) is a confidential peer support program originally designed to treat first responders but can be helpful to anyone dealing with stress, anxiety, or trauma.
---The ASAP is unique because participants work in silence. There is no dialog among the participants; only the facilitator speaks as they guide participants through an 8-step worksheet.
----Members of the Fire and Rescue Departments of both Chebeague and Long Island took part in an ASAP this winter and found it to be extremely valuable and useful, so much so that three EMT’s were trained in this intervention treatment to bring it back to our department and the community.
Message from the CTC: We are planning to do some much-needed maintenance on the Cousins Island lot on Thursday, May 9th between 10am and 2pm. This will include grading and some tree work. In order to do this safely, it will be extremely helpful to have as few vehicles in the lot as possible. If at all possible, please have your vehicle out of the lot between 10am and 2pm on Thursday, May 9th. Also there will be No day parking during that time. Cousins Island Day parkers should use the Route One lot.
We’d like to thank our customers in advance for helping us get the lot cleared and back to a much more usable condition!
May 2, 2024 - Chebeague School Spring Concert - Friday, 5:30 at the Hall!! Everyone is invited.
CRC - Trivia and Pasta Dinner in the community room - Friday May 3rd from 6-8pm. $10 for adults and $5 for kids.
Saturday 10:45 at the Library - Join Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust and the Chebeague Island Library for a family-friendly event to celebrate the island's piping plovers! Local author and teacher Andrew Fersch and artist Bruce Hutchison will read from their new children's book The Piping Plover. A book signing, art activity for kiddos, and refreshments will follow the reading.
Sat. May 4 at 11 at the site of Central Landing. Join the CIHS on a walking tour led by Donna Damon. Participants will receive an illustrated handout. There is still space available. Meet at the site of Central Landing (below the Gilmartins). We will be staying on the roads - no bushwacking! Park on the South Road, and we will walk to Firehouse Rd. You will be amazed at all that happened over the years along South Road! This is part of Jane's Walk - an international celebration of community. email chebeaguehistory@gmail.com to reserve a space!
Click here to learn about a job opportunity for the Chebeague Historical Society - Operations Coordinator CIHS Museum.
“A public hearing will be held between the MaineDOT and Island Residents to discuss proposed improvements to the Chebeague Island Wharf Ferry Terminal. The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday May 14th at 6:00 p.m. to be held at Island Hall located on Chebeague Island. MaineDOT’s Consultant will present the proposed improvements and take any comments and questions. For any questions, please email brian.keezer@maine.gov or call (207) 462-0697.”
May 1, 2024 - The Yarmouth vet will be at the Hall this Thursday from 8:45 to 11:30 A.M. The sign-up sheet will be on the door around 6:00 A.M. Call Sam 846-0510 with any questions.
Message from the INN: "Hello all!
The Chebeague Island Inn is hiring linecook, dishwasher, bellman, and maintenance positions for the 2024 season. I would love to have more locals working up at the Inn. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. kitchen@chebeagueislandinn.com
Thank you,
Chef Marsh"
Click here for a message from Lionel Plante to the Chebeague Community on barging costs.
Town Selectboard Meeting Tonight at 6pm at the Hall - see agenda and packet.
Message from Historical Society: Did you ever wonder why people call the area around the store the Center? Join the CIHS on a walking tour led by Donna Damon on Sat. May 4 at 11 at the site of Central Landing. Participants will receive an illustrated handout. Three is still space available. Meet at the site of Central Landing (below the Gilmartins). We will be staying on the roads - no bushwacking! Park on the South Road, and we will walk to Firehouse Rd. You will be amazed at all that happened over the years along South Road! This is part of Jane's Walk - an international celebration of community. email chebeaguehistory@gmail.com to reserve a space!
From the Historical Society: Part Time employment opportunity - Chebeague Historical Society is looking for Museum Shop Clerks for the summer season. If interested please contact Anne at cihsstore@gmail.com.
April 30, 2024 - photo - of a muskrat taken by Esther Danielson at the pond where there are a pair making their home.
The Chebeague Island Council has COVID tests available. Call Sarah at (207) 329-6538 for delivery.
Selectboard Meeting Wednesday, 6pm at the Hall - see packet.
April 29, 2024 - Message from the REC: Friday May 3rd from 6-8pm, join us at the Rec for a Trivia and Pasta Dinner in the community room. $10 for adults and $5 for kids.
Sat., May 4, 10:45 a.m.: Join Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust and the Chebeague Island Library for a family-friendly event to celebrate the island's piping plovers! Local author and teacher Andrew Fersch and artist Bruce Hutchison will read from their new children's book The Piping Plover. A book signing, art activity for kiddos, and refreshments will follow the reading.
April 28, 2024 - Click here to donate to the the Tom Sawyer Memorial Scholarship that was started to keep Tom's legacy as a teacher and coach alive. Tom was the brother to Sue Sawyer. “A man who bore all his burdens with grace and fortitude. A man who can be an example for us all. Our Tom.”
Click here for the May CTC Newsletter.
Judy Doughty's graveside service will be held on Saturday June 8th at 1:00pm.
April 26, 2024 - Tomorrow, Saturday, April 27th at 9AM - Ad Hoc Finance Committee Public Presentation and Discussion, at the Hall! Join the ad-hoc finance committee for a short presentation of the work done by them to evaluate the need for a separate standing finance committee. The presentation will include a brief history of our Municipal finances to date, a proposal for capital planning process and role and a public discussion about the pros and cons of forming a new finance committee to assist the Selectboard in financial planning and budgeting. Coffee and doughnuts will be provided.
The School Committee is happy to announce they have a new superintendent! His name is Aaron Townsend.. He will be taking over for Ann at the end of June. Below is a message from Aaron for the community:
"Dear Chebeague Island Community,
Greetings! My name is Aaron Townsend, and I am very excited to be joining the Chebeague Island School community as the new Superintendent next year!
I am currently the Deputy Superintendent in Portland Public Schools, and I live locally in Yarmouth with my family, including my wife and two boys who are students at Harrison Middle School. I have been a teacher, principal, and district leader over the past 25 years in Maine and California, and I am excited to now be able to use my professional experiences to support such a wonderful school community here in my backyard!
I will be working with the current leadership and staff to ensure a smooth transition in the coming months, and I look forward to working with you all in the years ahead to continue to make the Chebeague Island School a warm and welcoming community.
Aaron Townsend"
April 23, 2024 - photo - of a Golden-Crowned Kinglet by Krista Hayward taken last year. Click here to see a Ruby-Crowned Kinglet taken April 23, 2024.
The Piping Plovers are back down at the Hook! Please no dogs or drones while they are nesting. We will be marking out where they have laid their eggs soon. It looks like they are nesting near the same area as last year so please be careful. Click here to see the photos of them taken today.
April 22, 2024 - TODAY - Click here for information about the Historical Society's ZOOM lecture by Thomas Bennett on "Subterranean Ancient Clues: Activities in Casco Bay Archaeology, 2022-24" on Monday, April 22 at 7 pm.
Message from the Town of Chebeague: Code Enforcemet Update - click here.
Congratulations to Evelyn Schutte (Nancy & David's granddaughter) who has been accepted to the Aerospace Engineering bachelors program at the Delft University of Technology.
April 17, 2024- CMP will turn power off for roughly 30 minutes at 9:00 am today to finish fixing the powerlines on North Road by the pit.
:Coastal property owners and island residents:
You are invited to join the virtual meeting on Sunday afternoon April 21st on Coastal Erosion on the Casco Bay Islands. This session promises to provide invaluable insights into our islands' changing coastline. Join the other islands in Casco Bay for this discussion of the causes and potential solutions for mitigating shoreline erosion with a focus on sites in Casco Bay. See this link for information and registration: . Calling Your Bluff: Coastal Erosion on Casco Bay's Islands (gdipartnership.com)
You must pre-register to attend.
April 16, 2024- Memorial Day May 27 at 1 at the Church - Mark your calendars!
After many years of creating wonderful programs, Beth and Gerry Wiles have retired from organizing the island’s Memorial Day observance. The Chebeague Historical Society enthusiastically agreed to take it over when Beth asked. This year we plan to honor veterans who served in the military during the Vietnam Era. We want to be inclusive so if you, a family member, or a friend, who is in some way connected to Chebeague, served in Vietnam or in the military during the years 1965-1975, please email the CIHS at chebeaguehistory@gmail.com. If you have a service photo we’d love to add it to the program. You can attach an image or we can scan. The deadline to include vets in the 2024 Memorial Day service is May 10.
Jane’s Walk 2024! If you enjoyed the previous tours of the East End and Coleman's Cove you will love learning about Chebeague's Center - loosely defined for this purpose as running along the shore from Central to Fenderson's and along South Rd. from Central to Firehouse Rd. The big question: which came first - the wharf or the stores??? Space is limited; Read the flyer and click on the link! For more info email: chebeaguehistory@gmail.com.
April 15, 2024- Click here for information about the Historical Society's ZOOM lecture by Thomas Bennett on "Subterranean Ancient Clues: Activities in Casco Bay Archaeology, 2022-24" on Monday, April 22 at 7 pm.
April 13, 2024- Hello GCTC Community! We hope you've had a great winter with lots of tennis and we are looking forward to seeing you all on Chebeague. Please visit our website for information about the upcoming season.
Beginner Pickleball Monday 5 to 7 at the Rec Center.April 11, 2024- For the Friday Crafternoon at the CRC, Ester Danielson is doing a class on weaving with paper. Sure to be fun, easy and creative. Ester is a remarkably talented weaver.
Friday April 12, from 1-3pm, Free. Click HERE to learn more. c(Remember to bring your solar eclipse glasses to donate to the next eclipse in Latin America)
The annual Council Health Fair is this Saturday from 9-11:30 am at the Hall. The USM nursing students are returning to do blood pressure and cholesterol checks, hearing and dental screenings, and provide skin cancer information. We will also have Tetanus shots available if you are overdue.
Summer approaches! Reminder to contact Island Commons soon to lock in a time slot for in-home care services, or our adult day program. 207-846-5610 or navigator@islandcommons.com
We also have a lovely private room with half bath available for immediate occupancy. Contact Amy Rich 207-846-5610.
April 10, 2024 - I will be on vacation with most of my family from April 10 through April 18. Please contact David Hill drhill@chebeague.net with any updates for this website.
Message from the Library: April 18th at 5-8pm: Join us for a night of Puzzles and Coloring. Bring your friends and we'll provide everything else. All Ages Welcome!
Have you looked at your Island Directory listing recently? Is your information correct? Do you have changes to make? Email us at gulldirect@hotmail.com
April 9, 2024 - Please join us at the Rec Friday April 12th from 1-3pm for a Paper Weaving Crafternoon with Esther Danielson. Free*
On April 20, 2024, representatives from FEMA will be visiting the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center between 9am and 3pm to assist residents in registering any damages that were incurred during the January 10-13 storms. Please see attached flyer for information on what to bring with you.
April 8, 2024 - photos - April 8, people gathered at the Rec to see the Partial Eclipse - so exciting!
Message from Jon Rich to all his plumbing customers: If you haven't already called and are not on the list to activate your plumbing it most likely won't be able to be done until approximately May 1st.
The Yarmouth vet will be at the Hall Thursday morning from 8:45 to 11:30. The sign-up sheet will be on the door by around 6:30. Call Sam (846 0510) with any questions.
Message from Kim Boehm: Starting (hopefully) April 22, I will resume my service of removing junk vehicles. I also will offer return freight service to the Island for building materials, furniture, etc. I cannot haul gravel, etc as the truck body does not dump. Please call Kim at 846 2468 for details. Thanks.
TOMORROW: Tuesday at the CRC: Victor Diaz is talking about Finding Spirituality in Nature Dessert and Discussion in the Community Room Tuesday, April 9, 1 - 2pm
TONIGHT: Planning Board Meeting at the Recreation Center, 6:30 PM: Click here for the agenda.
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, April 9, 5pm at the school - see agenda. Also following the School Committee Meeting there is a joint Selectboard/School Committee Meeting at the Hall at 6pm.
Message from Kim Boehm: I plan on relocating in the near future, and am still looking for someone to take over the business of removing junk vehicles and scrap metals, from our beautiful Island. I will offer training,and share my Mainland contacts. I also will be selling the equipment needed to operate this much needed venture, at below market value, for any person interested in this needed service. It is a chance to make a good income, in as little as 2 days a week, for 6 months of the year. Please contact me for details, if interested. Thanks, Kim @ 846 2468,
April 5, 2024 - TOMORROW- SaturdayAPRIL 6 @3PM at the library come celebrate National Poetry Month. See Flyer. POETRY FOR THE PEOPLE. Open mic style, read a favorite poem or share one of your own. Come and we will listen
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, April 9, 5pm at the school - see agenda.
April 4, 2024 - photo - April 4th snow storm - Tree down on the North Road on the power lines on April 4 and will be taken care of on Friday by CMP crew.
There is a tree down on the North Road at the top of the hill across from the sand pit and no way around. It will be taken care of tomorrow so use alternate route.
Another nasty storm and the power is out all over the island. The Hall is open for people who need to stay warm. Power came back around 5pm.
The transfer station is closed today because of the power outage and the Town office will close at noon.
April 2, 2024 - Come watch the partial solar eclipse at the CRC on Monday, April 8. The viewing party will be in the CRC parking lot between 3-4pm. and the maximum eclipse is from 3:28-3:35! The CRC has 15 pairs of Solar eclipse glasses to share from the State of Maine. These glasses provide certified eye protection for safely viewing the eclipse. See flyer.
Because of the anticipated storm, the YARMOUTH VET will NOT be coming to the Hall this Thursday. Instead, they will be here next Thursday April 11 from 9:00 to 11:30.
MacBeth Announces Date Change for Carmen. Please note that the date for Tyler Putnam and Sarah Nordin's performance of Carmen has changed since we announced our season two weeks ago. They will now treat us to their rendition of the world's most popular opera on Sunday, September 8 at 7:00 p.m. The attached newsletter (click here) includes this update. The newsletter also includes an updated description of "Satchmo on Sunday," Paul English's program for the musical gathering at the Chebeague Community Church on Sunday morning, July 14, at 10:00 a.m. Questions? Carl Tubbesing (carldt@gwi.net).
Selectboard Meeting Wednesday, April 3, 5:30 executive session and around 6:30 for meeting - click here for agenda and packet.
Facilities Committee via zoom on Thursday at 6pm.
The Stephen L. Ross Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance for students who have been residents of Chebeague Island for at least 6 consecutive months preceding May 1, and who are pursuing post-secondary education at a college, university, community college or vocational school. This is a renewable scholarship.
--- The application deadline is May 1, and the application is available via our online application portal. More information can be found at this link!
March 31, 2024 - photo - Krista Hayward captured a photo of the Easter Bunny today on Easter.
Happy Easter - don't forget the Easter Egg Hunt at the Commons at NOON.
Hope you didn't forget like I did that property taxes are due this month - sorry I didn't remind everyone.
March 28, 2024 - Message from the Town Administrator, Vika Wood: The Town of Chebeague is happy to announce the implementation of a new Code Enforcement Software program that was implemented this winter. Although this program is still very much in the development phase with various modules, we have completed our permitting module prior to the Spring Season. We now have an online permitting portal for residents to submit building permit applications. The Town will continue to operate in a "hybrid "manner" and will still accept paper applications in the office or via the new portal. This will allow for an expansion of services to many individuals who can't always make it into the office. We are aiming to improve customer service, and this is our first step in improving the "ease of doing business" on the island.
This Sunday is Easter Sunday and you won't want to miss Sunrise Service - click here to learn more!
CRC is restructuring and actively seeking a new Managing Director for hire in the next two weeks. A link to the job posting/job description is available at indeed.com. CRC is also accepting applications emailed to HR@chebeaguerec.onmicrosoft.com.
Island Commons is hiring for in-home care. Part time, year-round or seasonal! Click here to learn more.
Planning Board workshop, Monday April 1, Island Hall 7:00 PM. Seeking public input & discussion on proposed changes to the Planning Board, Floodplain Management, and Zoning Ordinances, as well as on the Comprehensive Plan summary and update. Materials available for review at Town Hall.
This Wednesday will be our last soup of the season. We hope you will stop in and bring a friend. We are offering Chicken Vegetable and Carrot with Ginger. There will also be a special dessert.
The annual Health Fair will be on Saturday, April 13 from 9-11:30 am. Mark your calendars!
Tommorrow, March 28, 6pm at the Hall is a selectboard meeting to discuss MOU with CRC, Kids Place and School - click here.
March 26, 2024 - For those who missed yesterday's Historical Society's Earle Shettleworth's "Postcard History of Portland Maine" - click here to see!
Message from the Church about Easter Flowers - click here.
Power is back on for most of Chebeague. CMP shows that 31 customers still have no power on Chebeague. There is a lot of cleanup to be done. I had two large trees come down in my yard and another branch on my power line.
Today - Ben Yosua-Davis the March 26 dessert and discussion speaker at the CRC. Ben will be speaking on organizations taking cues from the natural world. Sure to be an interesting topic! Click here for more information.
Pick up basketball with Jack, CRC program director EVERY Tuesday from 5:30-7.
March 21, 2024 - Interested in becoming a lifeguard? The Chebeague Rec Center has openings for lifeguards this summer. The CRC will pay costs of training for the Red Cross Certification, and offer a flexible schedule for a fun summer at the pool. The CRC will also provide an opportunity for becoming Red Cross Water Safety Instructors. The pay is in the form of a scholarship in the amount of $1500, payable at the end of the summer. For lifeguards who work more than 125 hours, that rate will increase. There are also opportunities to make additional money teaching swim lessons. Click here for more information! The ad has the wrong
Piping Plovers are back in Maine and we are hoping that they will nest again at the hook! I have been taking walks down there with Piper, my dog, but will stop now in order to give the Plovers a chance to nest.
March 20, 2024 - Easter Egg Hunt at The Commons! Easter Sunday, March 31st at 12 noon see flyer.
NOTICE: School Committee Meeting tomorrow March 21st 6pm - see updated agenda.
March 19, 2024 - Tonight on 207 featured Sumner Rugh and his quest to save an historic Maine fishing boat that sank in a storm. Click here to see.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 20 at 6 pm is the Selectperson's Meeting at the Hall and zoom -executive session at 5:30 and meeting starting at 6:30 - click here for agenda and packet.
Ben Yosua-Davis the March 26 dessert and discussion speaker at the CRC. Ben will be speaking on organizations taking cues from the natural world. Sure to be an interesting topic! Click here for more information.
Join together at Tacos and Trivia Night at the CRC Friday, March 29 from 6-8pm. Taco dinner $10 adults, $5 kids. Jack will be running the trivia event.
Theater Classes at the Hall, Thursdays, April 4th through May 30th (no class April 11) with Katie Urich- click here for more information!
MacBeth Concert Series Announces Its Exhilarating 2024 Season! Last season was our most thrilling so far—record-setting attendance, rapturous applause, world-class musicianship. This next one promises to be even more exciting. For the second year in a row, Tyler Putnam and Sarah Nordin will bring opera to Chebeague, this time with Carmen, the world’s most popular opera. Our “children of all ages” program, created and performed by the Halcyon String Quartet, will feature Robert McCloskey’s classic Make Way for Ducklings. Paul English will return with hot Saturday night jazz and a unique church service on Sunday morning. Our old friends from the Sebago-Long Lake Music Festival will perform an eclectic program, which will include Robert Schumann’s romantic Piano Quartet in E-flat Major. Classical pianist Henry Kramer, who has been praised for his “astonishingly confident technique,” will make his first appearance on Chebeague, The Seaside Brass Quintet will wind up our season with an outdoor concert featuring their fun mixture of pop, jazz, show tunes and jazz. Click here for more details about the schedule and programs. See you soon! Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing, carldt@gwi.net.
The Chebeague Island Library is collecting information for the 2024 telephone directory. If you have moved to Chebeague in the last 2 years, or if you have updates to make to your white pages listing, please reachout to us at gulldirect@hotmail.com to ensure your information is correct!
Are you a business who would like to advertise in the yellow pages of the 2024 Telephone Directory? Email us at gulldirect@hotmail.com to save your spot.
March 18, 2024 - For those who missed the 2nd Annual St Patrick's Day Parade on Chebeague - CLICK HERE! You will definitely want to participate next year - I'm sorry that I missed it.
Tonight from 5 to 7 at the Rec will be Beginner Pickleball for those who would like to learn more and practice.
March 16, 2024 - Join the Historical Society on Monday, March 25 at 7:00 pm on Zooom ONLY (Zoom login number is 82962476056. No password required) to see Earle Shettleworth's "Postcard History of Portland Maine." Click HERE to learn more.
March 14, 2024 - Join the Chebeague Climate Action Team for a poster gallery on the Team's work from 8:30-10:30am on Saturday March 16.. There will be a presentation from Efficiency Maine from 9-9:30am on programs and incentives to help you upgrade the energy efficiency of your home or business. Click HERE to learn more.
March 12, 2024 - Broadband Internet is on the Way!
Construction of the new high speed Internet network is expected to start in mid-April with connections completed by July. Even if you already subscribe to Axiom service, call 207-255-0679 before Memorial Day for free installation. Installation requests that come later could be subject to a minimum $300 fee. Sign up now to ensure you receive free installation even if you are not on the Island. If you are considering an underground cable feed, please call early to plan the installation. If you don’t get through to Axiom right away, please leave a message and they will return your call.
The school committee is hosting the Chebeague Island School Sustainability Forum on Wednesday March 13th 6pm at the hall. All community attendance and participation is welcomed!
Please join us on Wednesday at the Hall at noon for an Irish feast. We are celebrating St. Patrick's Day a few days early with corned beef, cabbage, and soda bread. The meal is free!
The Rec center invites anyone interested to the following events: Thursday March 14th from 1-2 pm- come have a piece of pie for Pi day! On Friday the 15th from 1-3 come decorate Easter eggs. And next Tuesday from 1-2 will be Dessert $ Discussion led by Ben Yosua Davis on sociology, theology and climate change. Then pick up basketball with Jack, our program director EVERY Tuesday from 5:30-7. More programs can be found on our monthly ad. Thank you!
March 11, 2024 - This Friday, March 15th, is the Island Commons SHAMROCK SHINDIG party, 4:30-6:30. See the flyer
JOB OPPORTUNITY: Assistant Turf Manager - Great Chebeague Golf Club
Come join the Grounds Staff at the historic Great Chebeague Golf Club! Click here to learn more.
March 10, 2024 - Beverly will be on vacation for a few days, so in the meantime please send any announcments to drhill@chebeague.net.
March 6, 2024 - The Yarmouth vet will be at the Hall Thursday morning from 9:00 to 11:30. Call Sam (846 0510) with questions.
Broadband Committee News!
We have heard from CMP and CCI -- and we now expect (hope?) that their make ready work will be done by the first week of April and that construction can start mid-April! This means that the first people hooked up should have connections in July!
SO SIGN UP NOW -- CALL 207-255-0679
The Primary results were on the Democratic Ticket Biden 65, Phillips 5, Lyons 0 and Blank 3. On the Republican ticket Binkley 0, Desantis 0, Haley 18, Ramaswamy 1, Trump 15, Blank 3.
March 5, 2024 - Election Day - Primary Elections TODAY - The polls at the Hall will be open from 8 to 8! Click here for the results of the primary.
SAVE THE DATES for Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust (CCLT) Programs:
March 14 -7 PM-8:15 PM
Sea Changes: Understanding and Preparing for Coastal Maine’s Extreme Weather Events, Zoom event. Please register on CCLT’s website.
April 25 - 7 PM-8 PM
The State of Casco Bay: Climate Challenges and Solutions, Zoom event. Please register on CCLT’s website.
May 4 10:30-11:30 AM
Piping Plover Book Reading on Chebeague Island. Join us in person at the Chebeague Island Library.
March 4, 2024 - Wednesday's soups will be Black Bean and Turkey lentil. See you at the Hall at noon.
Lee Bowman and Richard Hackel Show featured at Cove Street Arts "Along the Coast" March 14th - May 4th with an opening reception Thursday, March 14th from 5-7. Click here for flyer.
Selectperson Meeting Wednesday, March 6 at 6pm - click here for agenda and packet.
BEGINNER or practice Pickleball tonight from 5 to 7 at the Rec Center.
March 2, 2024 - Message from the Community Church: Join Us Tomorrow for our Sunday Gathering (we are back in the Sanctuary) at 10am.
All are welcome after the Church Service for a Welcome Brunch for Victor in The Parish House! Click here for a message from Viktor!
School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, March 5, 2024, 5pm at the school - click here for agenda.
Covid vaccine boosters will be available at the Wellness Center on March 13th. Please call the Council at 846-4988, leave your name and number and we will call you to arrange an appointment, or you can email us at chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com. The CDC is recommending spring boosters for people aged 65 and up.
The Chebeague Island Council invites you to an early St. Patrick's Day lunch on Wednesday, March 13 with corned beef and all the fixings.
February 29, 2024 - MITA is looking for another caretaker for Little Chebeague this summer. Posting is up on their website click here.
Poetry For the People: Sat March 2nd: 3pm Poetry At the Chebeague Library: HOPE TO SEE YOU IF YOU ARE HERE AND NEAR - see flyer.
February 27, 2024 - photos - winter early 70's of Coast Guard helping break ice for the CTC passenger boat Chesuncook. Click here to see Abenaki pulling a dory out of the ice and here for another. Photos from Patti Rich.
Coffee Hour is back! Join Susie for coffee, muffins, and good company 9-10:30 on Wednesdays at the Hall.
Soups this week are Potato Bacon and Hungarian Mushroom.
Sign-ups for Sailing School will open March 1 at 9am online using this link - SAILING SCHOOL SIGN-UPS. Information about the 3 sessions can be viewed ahead of time using the same link. We can't wait for summer - and we want every child on Chebeague to participate in sailing school if they want to. Confidential partial and full scholarships are available to anyone - please reach out to Kim (kim@venkataraman.net, 617-699-9124). And NEW THIS SUMMER we'll be introducing more fun opportunities to learn about racing - stay tuned!
Click here to see the Zoom program from yesterday's Ellsworth Miller Memorial Lecture featuring Rachel Church with her grandmother Beverly Merril on Community Cookbooks.
School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, February 27th at 6pm - click here for agenda.
February 26, 2024 - photos - Deer on side of road near Historical Society taken February 28th. Click here for another view.
Beginner Pickleball 5pm at the rec or if you already play and want to practice some of your shots.
Tonight the Ellsworth Miller Memorial Lecture will feature PHD candidate, Rachel Church, granddaughter of former Chebeague pastor Tom Merrill and his wife Beverly will discuss the importance of community cookbooks. She was inspired by the Chebeague Ladies Aid 1961 cookbook that her grandmother helped produce. 7PM on Zoom 82962476056.
February 23, 2024 - TOMORROW!! POLAR PLUNGE and CHILI, CHOWDER, SOUP CHALLENGE! Plunge is at 11am at the Niblic - We have a lot of people plunging so contact the rec center and sponsor one or more of the plungers - Oliver, Nancy, Nancy, Bev, Anna, Esme, Jack, Brian, Cristina, Erika, Eva, Nora, Lauren, Rachel so far (please let me know to add your name)- Come join us and take the plunge too!! Come and enjoy the Chili, Chowder and Soup at NOON!!
Click here to see what it looked like last year at the plunge.
School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, February 27th at 6pm - click here for agenda.
February 21, 2024 - Tonight is Barbie Movie Night at the CRC, at 5 pm. Come see the movie on the BIG SCREEN! Free, open to all ages, and popcorn will be served. See Flyer!
Today’s soups at the Hall are turkey chili and Mediterranean lentil. Come join us!
February 19, 2024 - Selectboard Meeting Wednesday, February 21, 2024 6pm at the Hall and on youtube channel. Click here for agenda and packet.
This weekend is the Polar Plunge and Chili, chowder, soup Challenge!! I hope we will have lot of people plunging this year. I haven't yet made up my mind if I will do it or not. Please let me know if you are planning on going in and I will let everyone know!! Amazon gift cards for those who raise the most money!! click here for flyer.
Beginning Pickleball tonight at the rec from 5 to 7 - come see what it is all about and try hitting the ball around. If you already play then come and practice some of the skills.
February 14, 2024 - HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
Come enjoy three Valentine’s Day soups. We’ll have chilled beet, red pepper and lime, and split pea with ham. Of course there will be dessert.
JOB OPPORTUNITY: Assistant Turf Manager - Great Chebeague Golf Club
Come join the Grounds Staff at the historic Great Chebeague Golf Club! Click here to learn more.
CLICK here for the latest Island Commons Newsletter.
Looking for a shed or garage?
Make it easy by going Tuff!
The CRC is partnering with Tuff Sheds of Portland to offer a quality building product on the island. Tuff Sheds already has two sheds on the island, including the "Bounty of Art," and very satisfied customers. Delivery will begin with the CTC barge in April. On Wednesday, March 5 from 10:30-2, Rick will be at the CRC to show sample materials, answer questions and take any orders. This promotion is in place until November 2024.
With the sale of 10 sheds/garages, the CRC will receive a free shed!
February 12, 2024 - The CIS students would like to invite the Chebeague Island Community to their "Pop-up Performance" of The Mitten, by Jan Brett. They will also be hosting a "Valentine Social" immediately following the show. The play starts at 5:30pm at the Island Hall on Tuesday, February 13th. Click here for flyer!
Planniing Board Meeting, 6:30 at the Recreation Center - click here for agenda.
Tommorow: From 10 to 11 at the Rec: Is your TV STILL smarter than you? This is a Part 2 for people who want to know more about using a smart TV, how to make your TV smart, and connecting your phone to a TV.
Also discussed: How to “Ditch the Dish,” watch local channels, record endless numbers of shows, and get your favorite sports channels, and SAVE MONEY! See flyer.
Tommorow: “The Backyard Bird count livestream webinar” and we can watch it together at the Rec at 1- 2 pm on Tuesday 2/13, Get ready to flock together for the 2024 Great Backyard Bird Count(GBBC)! Panelists will explain how to participate in this exciting global event and how participation might extend past your back door. Discover how to join a group taking part in the GBBC and explore fun ways to involve kids. From bird ID tips to counting birds with ease, this webinar is your ticket to an engaging and confident GBBC experience.
February 9, 2024 - photo -Patti Rich donated slides to CIHS that Chris Doughty converted for us to see (1968 or 1971). This one is Coast Guard getting Jimmy Kuntz boat that was built by Herb Rich out of the ice on Chandlers Cove.
Message from the Library - Join us tomorrow 2/10/24 @10:30 AM for a VALENTINE BOX and CARD making party. All ages are welcome and materials will be provided! See Flyer!
February 8, 2024 - PICKLEBALL for beginners or practice session for others. Monday nights 5 to 7 at the rec come and learn how to play pickleball. If you already play then come and practice your dinking, serves and third shot drops!
Climate Action Team Virtual meeting tonight, 6pm, Thursday, Feb 8th - click here for agenda.
Click here for Chebeague Recreation Center summer activities as well as what is happening this month! Don't forget the Polar Plunge and Chili, Chowder and Soup Event February 24th.
Is your TV STILL smarter than you? This is a Part 2 for people who want to know more about using a smart TV, how to make your TV smart, and connecting your phone to a TV.
Also discussed: How to “Ditch the Dish,” watch local channels, record endless numbers of shows, and get your favorite sports channels, and SAVE MONEY!
February 7, 2024 - The Rec Center has registered for the “The Backyard Bird count livestream webinar” and we can watch it together at the Rec at 1- 2 pm on Tuesday 2/13, Get ready to flock together for the 2024 Great Backyard Bird Count(GBBC)! Panelists will explain how to participate in this exciting global event and how participation might extend past your back door. Discover how to join a group taking part in the GBBC and explore fun ways to involve kids. From bird ID tips to counting birds with ease, this webinar is your ticket to an engaging and confident GBBC experience.
Tonight the Selectboard Meeting at 6pm followed by an Executive Session- click here for agenda and packet. Remember that you can view the meetings on the town youtube channel.
Soup Today will be FRANKS and BEANS!
The Chebeague Island Library is now collecting artwork submissions for the 2024 Telephone Directory. Are you an artist and have created something island related that would look great on this year's phonebook cover? Or maybe you have some great photography that would look great? Each person can submit a total of 2 pieces of artwork. All submissions should be emailed to gulldirect@hotmail.com by March 1st. See flyer.
February 6, 2024 - Board of Adjustment and Appeals Meeting tonight at the Hall - 5pm - see agenda and packet.
School Committee Budget Workshop tonight at school.
Fun thing for the island to do is the global Bird Count in February - February 16-19, 2024 - you can click here to learn more about what we can do on Chebeague. If you have any questions about this you can contact Krista Hayward (khayward3@yahoo.com)
February 5, 2024 - The podiatrist, Dr. Rybka, will be on the island on Wednesday, February 21. Call his office at 829-6463 to set an appointment.
Soup on Wednesday will be FRANKS and BEANS! Hooray!
January 31, 2024 - Message from the Rec: On Thursday Feb 1 at 10 am there is an orientation to Silver Sneakers at the Rec.
And on Friday at 6:30 pm there is a showing of the movie “Groundhog Day” on the new big screen in the Rec’s community room;
The cost is free for members, or $5 for non-members, and pop corn will be served to all.
Come meet Jack our new program manager and let him know what programs you want to see at the Rec.
Click here for February at the Rec information.
Message from the Library: Join us Thursday February 1st (tomorrow!!) 7pm @ Chebeague Island Library. Sharon Bowman will be our guest to discuss her book, A Daughter of the Island.
Soup today is Pasta Fagioli and Vegetarian Chili!
January 30, 2024 - The Yarmouth vet will be at the Hall Thursday morning from 8:45 to 11:30. The sign-up sheet will go up around 6:15. Call Sam (846 0510) with any questions.
Poetry for the People at The Chebeague Island Library - All are welcome - 3pm on the first Saturday of the month! See flyer!
January 29, 2024 - Click here for those who missed or want to see again Donna Damon's lecture: How Educational Decisions Changed the Course of Chebeague’s History - 1945-2024.
PICKLEBALL FOR BEGINNERS: Today from 5 to 7 at the rec. We have a few paddles so come learn how to score and play and hit a few balls around. Text or call Bev 939-9643 for any questions.
Congratulaltions to Luke Rothschild who did all the music for a feature documentary he's been working on for years and has just come out on major streaming platforms.It's a fantastic and important look at the state of modern agriculture through multiple lenses. He collaborated with the directors / close friends Oliver and Simon English. Please watch this film on Apple TV if possible, since they are working to break the top #10 out of #100 docs ( currently #14! :)
January 26, 2024 - Got Stress? The Chebeague Island Fire Department is holding an ASAP (Acute Stress Adaptive Protocol) on Thursday, February 1 at the Rec Center from 7-8pm. This effective program is based on EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) principles.
Please register by email: blputnam22@gmail.com. We hope to offer these opportunities monthly or one-on-one as requested.
Members of the Chebeague Island Fire and Rescue Department were recently trained in this method to heal stress and process trauma. Acute Stress Adaptive Protocol (ASAP) is a confidential peer support program originally designed to treat first responders but can be helpful to anyone dealing with stress, anxiety, or trauma.
The ASAP is unique because participants work in silence. There is no dialog among the participants; only the facilitator speaks as they guide participants through an 8-step worksheet.
Members of the Fire and Rescue Departments of both Chebeague and Long Island took part in an ASAP this winter and found it to be extremely valuable and useful, so much so that three EMT’s were trained in this intervention treatment to bring it back to our department and the community.
PICKLEBALL FOR BEGINNERS: The rec is going to have a four week beginner pickleball time on Monday's 5 to 7 starting this Monday, January 29th for those who want to learn how to play or just want to hit a ball around a little.
January 24, 2024 -
Message from The Town: Due to the final stages of renovation at the town office, the office will remain closed to the public on Thursday, January 25th and Friday, January 26th.
We plan to reopen on Monday. In the meantime, if anyone needs assistance please reach out to Vika (townadmin@townofchebeagueisland.org) and we will do our best to assist you. Click here to see photos.
For those who were unable to download or see the the Historical Society zoom lecture by Andy Grannell about the restoration of the 150 year old Grannell Cottage on North Rd. , you can click here.
Democratic Caucus: Chebeague Democrats at the Chebeague Island Hall on Sunday, February 4, at 2pm to share information and opinions, discuss ideas and candidates, and enjoy refreshments. We will nominate election clerks and vote for delegates who will have the opportunity to represent Chebeague Dems at the Maine Democratic Convention, May 31 and June 1st at the Cross Insurance Arena in Bangor. Click here for more information.
January 23, 2024 - photo -by Doug Ross on January 23, 2024 between Fenderson Rd and Springettes.
Please join us for soup on Wednesday. Choices include chorizo kidney bean and mushroom tortelloni in curry cream.
January 22, 2024 - Save the date! Lee Bowman and Richard Hackel will be in an exhibition of their photographs at the Cove Street Gallery, 71 Cove Street, Portland, March 11- May 11. There’ll be a reception on Thursday, March 14, 5-7 pm. All are invited! https://www.covestreetarts.com/
Click here for a letter from the Town Administrator regarding storm damage from the last two significant storms.
School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, January 2, 6pm at the school and may be televised - click here for agenda.
Island Institute provides financial support for educational, enrichment, and workforce experiences to help prepare island middle and high school students and young adults for post-secondary education and training opportunities.
Don't delay! It's time to apply as some deadlines are coming up. Read on to learn about opportunities and help us spread the word to anyone you know who might be eligible and interested! Click here to learn more.
January 18, 2024 -Don't forget to visit the Town of Chebeague Website for information on storm damage reporting and assistance for individual and businesses.
Employment Opportunity! CIHS is looking for a Museum Shop Coordinator, which is a part time seasonal position, March to September, to oversee the operation of the Museum Shop, including supervising staff and working with the Merchandise Committee. Duties include: Ordering merchandise, pricing, updating Square for Retail, stocking, arranging merchandise, and working in the Museum Shop at least two days a week. Position starts in March and hours will increase when the shop opens in June. For more information please contact: Beth McNulty at mcnultyb2@gmail.com
January 16, 2024 - Selectboard Meeting Tomorrow 6pm at the Hall - click here for agenda and packet.
Don’t miss the January Ellsworth Miller Memorial Lecture on Monday, January 22 at 7pm on Zoom when Donna Miller Damon presents: How Educational Decisions Changed the Course of Chebeague’s History - 1945-2024. Lecture Zoom code is 829-6247-6056. All are welcome. Tell your friends!
January 14, 2024 - Storm Recovery and Resources: Tuesday, January 16th from 10:00 - 11:00 AM
The Island Institute is hosting a virtual meeting with Maine Department of Marine Resources Commissioner Patrick Keliher and Department of Economic and Community Development Commissioner Heather Johnson to discuss impacts of the recent storms that have affected island and coastal communities, and resources for recovery. The discussion will be moderated by Island Institute President Kim Hamilton. For info and to register see: link to Storm Recovery and Resources webinar
How to be Smarter Than Your TV
Join Dessert and Discussion this Tuesday from 1-2pm to learn the BASICS of a Smart TV, how to “cast” from your phone onto a Smart TV, how different TV providers work and ways to spend or save money. There will be a brief introduction to the world of Google, including Google docs and Google Calendar. The meeting will be in the Community Room using the new and VERY LARGE media TV, which can be used by members.
I took a walk down Hamilton Beach this morning and took photos of the changes from the last two storms. I could see more damage from last night's high tide - click here to see.
January 13, 2024 - photo - high tide at Cousins Saturday January 13th taken from Harmony Hill.
The Chebeague Community Church Service is tomorrow, January 14th at 10am at the Parish House or on Zoom. Click here for all the details and zoom link along with a message from Victor, the new Chaplain. The program for the service is also at the bottom of the announcement.
Click here to see another photo of the hook by Steve Hinchman and click here for another. Click here for a .mov.
Click here to see photo of the Stone Wharf at high tide today by Nancy Hill. Click here to see Chandler's Wharf at high tide by Doug Ross. Click here to see the Hook just after high tide by Doug Ross.
Due to flooding the Transfer Station is closed at 11am today.
ROAD CLOSURE: please note that a section of North Road had to close due to flooding. Please stay off roads if possible, there is a lot of running water.
The CTC Noon boat is cancelled today because the wharfs will be submerged.
I just came back to the island on the 8am boat and it was quite rough over on Cousins's side. It is raining and very windy.
January 12, 2024 - photo - by Erika Neumann on January 12th at Chandlers "Calm before the Storm".
Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Says Brace and Prepare for Saturday's Storm
A significant storm event is expected to start overnight tonight and continue into Saturday. The NWS says we can expect major coastal flooding, gusty winds and heavy rain. Near historic levels of flooding are expected for the noon high tide Saturday. The forecast calls for higher water levels than we experienced on Wednesday. See this link to info from MEMA about what is expected and how to prepare. See also: DMR-precautions-urged for-fishermen-and-aquaculturists-ahead-Saturday's-storm.
Please Report January 10, 2024 Storm Damage
If you had damage to your working waterfront infrastructure or primary residence as a result of the January 10 storm, please follow this link to an update from Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) for reporting those damages.
NOTICE: Because of weather impacts on the ferry schedule tomorrow, the family would like to pass the word that the funeral service for Ann Belesca will be held at 3PM on Saturday, not as originally planned at 1PM.
Message from Ann Thaxter: The cemetery roads are extremely soft due to all the rain and lack of frost. Please refrain from driving on them until conditions firm up.
January 10, 2024 - What a storm we had last night and this morning. The tide was so high that they had to cancel the 10 boat and it was so bad boards were popping up off the wharf on Cousins Island. On Chebeague the water was way over the wharf and another high water is coming this weekend as well. A lot of coastal damage around the island. I will try to get some photos online later.
Message from the LIBRARY: With the new year comes some much needed system upgrades at the Library. To make things more efficient for all, we will be closed from January 12th-26th to allow us to complete a full inventory of our collection and to begin the process of upgrading online access to our catalogue. Stop in before Friday to stock up on books to get you through the break and we look forward to seeing you when we reopen!"
January 7, 2024 - Last Sunday, New Year's Eve, Krista and Neil Hayward andI (Bev Johnson) participated in the annual Christmas Bird Count that canvases the Northeast area of Chebeague that has been monitored for many years. The total results are in and you can click here to see Krista's photos as well as the birds we saw that day. You can also click on the results for all the areas that were observed - CLICK HERE!
Snow storm today and as of 10am about 4" on Chebeague!
January 5, 2024 - Message from CRC: Postponed Rec Center Events:
Because of a continued upsurge of infections on the island the Rec Center is going to Postpone several of its scheduled events.
Postponed events:
Friday 1/5 - Game Night
Monday 1/8 - College Football Championship Viewing
Friday 1/12 - Barbie Movie Viewing
For all other programs please reach out to your coordinators for any other planned updates or changes.
A message from Genaro and Town of Chebeague: If you are resident or contractor leaving the island this weekend, it would be much appreciated if you leave your vehicle at home or at the work site. If that's not possible please park in the dirt parking area on either side of Stone Wharf Road. Leaving the asphalt spaces as empty as possible makes for easy cleanup.
Because of the recent upsurge in nasty infections on the island the Hall's Italian Night Supper is being postponed until March.
January 4, 2024 - The Yarmouth Vet WILL NOT be coming this morning, Thursday, January 4, but if you call their office, Dr. Zach will be able to see you today in Yarmouth. Our appologies, and we will see you next month!
Message from Kim Boehm: During the calendar year of 2023, (with help from others, most notable Paul Cleary) 55 vehicles (and many loads of scrap) were removed from our beautiful Island...Thanks to all of you who got rid of these eyesores. Keep in mind exterior oil tanks and junk vehicles, are identified as the two most likely sources of groundwater pollution. I will continue with my efforts in the Spring of 2024, but still need someone or group, to take over my efforts. A very special "Thank You" to CTC for providing barging (free for driveable vehicles) for my project...Kim Boehm
Click here for the Chebeague Island School Committee
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
6:30 PM
January 1, 2024 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Click here for a graph by Bill Danielson constructed for solar income over the past two years. The graph shows over 700 red dots, one for each day’s solar radiation income every day over the past two years, measured by my backyard weather station. The blue dots depict the calculated theoretical maximum we might expect if there were clouds, air pollution, trees or leaves blocking the sun. Notice that in 2022, the red dots tend to accumulate toward the upper part of the graph, whereas they are more evenly distributed in 2023. In other words, 2022 saw more sun than the past year, especially in the summer and autumn months. Overall, we measured about 11% less solar income in 2023 than in 2022. So, if you felt gloomy in 2023, you can blame it in part on the weather!
Selectboard Meeting Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at 6pm - see agenda and packet.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
I have decided to start documenting events that happened before I started doing the web page. Also if you click on an item and it says that it can't be found, you probably can add /index.html to the end and it will appear. When I had to change servers and went to goDaddy it lost the ability to go to the page by itself.
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
Click on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page